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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, M, 2P and U

MADEUPPYMADEUPPY adj. (colloquial) artificially invented.
MUDPUPPYmudpuppy n. An aquatic salamander of the family Proteidae.
mud␣puppy n. Alternative spelling of mudpuppy.
MUDPUPPY n. a large salamander, the axolotl.
PAPADUMSpapadums n. Plural of papadum.
PAPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PAPPADUMpappadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
PAPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
PEPLUMEDpeplumed adj. Furnished with a peplum.
PEPLUMED adj. having a peplum.
PLUMIPEDplumiped adj. (Zoology) Having feet covered with feathers.
plumiped n. A plumiped bird.
PLUMIPED n. a bird with feathered feet.
POPADUMSpopadums n. Plural of popadum.
POPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM, PUPPODUM.
POPPADUMpoppadum n. Alternative spelling of papadam.
POPPADUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, PUPPODUM.
PUMPHOODPUMPHOOD n. the head of a pump.
PUPPODUMpuppodum n. Rare spelling of papadam.
PUPPODUM n. (Tamil) a thin circle of dough fried in oil until crisp, also PAPADAM, PAPADOM, PAPADUM, PAPPADAM, PAPPADOM, PAPPADUM, POPADUM, POPPADOM, POPPADUM.
PUPPYDOMpuppydom n. The state of being a puppy; puppyhood.
PUPPYDOM n. the world of puppies.
REPUMPEDrepumped v. Simple past tense and past participle of repump.
REPUMP v. to pump again.
SANDPUMPsandpump n. Alternative form of sand pump.
sand␣pump n. A long cylinder with valved piston for use in drilling rocks.
SANDPUMP n. a pump for sand or mud.
UNMAPPEDunmapped adj. Not mapped.
UNMAPPED adj. not mapped.
YUPPYDOMYUPPYDOM n. the state of being a yuppie, also YUPPIEDOM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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