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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, 2L, S and T

BULLDUSTbulldust n. (Australia) Fine red dust, found in desert regions of Australia.
bulldust n. (Australia, slang) Nonsense; blatantly false statements.
bull␣dust n. A very fine dust that typically settles in potholes on outback roads. The dust usually settles to make…
DELLIESTDELLY adj. like a dell.
DIALLISTdiallist n. Alternative form of dialist.
DIALLIST n. a dialer, also DIALIST.
DILLIESTdilliest adj. Superlative form of dilly: most dilly.
DILLY adj. very pleasing.
DISTALLYdistally adv. Towards a distal part.
DISTAL adv. remote from the point of attachment or origin; as, the distal end of a bone or muscle.
DISTILLSdistills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of distill.
DISTILL v. to extract by vaporization and condensation, also DISTIL.
DROLLESTdrollest adj. Superlative form of droll: most droll.
DROLL adj. quaintly amusing.
DUELLISTduellist n. (British spelling) alternative spelling of duelist.
DUELLIST n. one who duels, also DUELER, DUELIST, DUELLER.
DULLIESTDULLY adj. somewhat dull.
DUSTBALLdustball n. A ball of dust.
dustball n. (Archaic) A ball of grain-dust formed in the intestine of a diseased horse.
DUSTBALL n. a ball of dust.
IDYLLISTidyllist n. A writer of idylls; an idyllic poet or writer; one who depicts idyllic or pastoral subjects.
IDYLLIST n. a writer of idyls, also IDYLIST.
OLDSTYLEoldstyle n. (Typography, often attributive) A traditional style of typeface designed to mimic the handwriting of scribes.
Old␣Style n. (Historical) The Julian calendar system, especially with reference to Russia, where it continued to…
OLDSTYLE n. a style of printing type.
STOLIDLYstolidly adv. In a stolid manner.
STOLID adv. impassive, unemotional.
STROLLEDstrolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of stroll.
STROLL v. to walk in a leisurely manner.
TOLLDISHtolldish n. A vessel for measuring the toll of corn for grinding.
TOLLDISH n. a grain measure dish for toll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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