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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, K, O, S and U

BUNDOOKSbundooks n. Plural of bundook.
BUNDOOK n. (Urdu) Indian army slang for a rifle, a shotgun, also BANDOOK.
BURDOCKSburdocks n. Plural of burdock.
BURDOCK n. a coarse dandelion-like plant.
CUCKOLDScuckolds n. Plural of cuckold.
cuckolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cuckold.
CUCKOLD n. a man with an unfaithful wife.
DAIMOKUSDAIMOKU n. (Japanese) a Buddhist chant.
DITOKOUSditokous adj. (Zoology) Having two kinds of young.
ditokous adj. (Zoology) Producing only two eggs in a clutch.
DITOKOUS adj. producing two at a birth or in a clutch.
DUKEDOMSdukedoms n. Plural of dukedom.
DUKEDOM n. the domain of a duke, also DUCHY.
DUNNOCKSdunnocks n. Plural of dunnock.
DUNNOCK n. the hedge-sparrow.
GEODUCKSgeoducks n. Plural of geoduck.
GEODUCK n. (Native American) a large edible clam, also GWEDUC, GWEDUCK.
MUDHOOKSmudhooks n. Plural of mudhook.
MUDHOOK n. (slang) an anchor.
MUDROCKSmudrocks n. Plural of mudrock.
MUDROCK n. a pelite, any rock derived from clay or mud.
OUTASKEDoutasked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outask.
OUTASK v. to surpass in asking.
PUDDOCKSpuddocks n. Plural of puddock.
PUDDOCK n. a toad or frog, also PADDOCK.
RUDDOCKSruddocks n. Plural of ruddock.
Ruddocks prop.n. Plural of Ruddock.
RUDDOCK n. (dialect) a robin, also RADDOCKE.
SHAKUDOSSHAKUDO n. (Japanese) an alloy of copper and a small percentage of gold, used in Japanese decorative art, esp. in sword fittings.
STUDBOOKstudbook n. Alternative form of stud book.
stud-book n. Alternative form of stud book.
stud␣book n. In livestock breeding, a written record of the genealogy of animals.
STUDWORKstudwork n. Upright timbers forming the framework of a wall.
studwork n. An arrangement of studs.
STUDWORK n. brickwork walls between studs; studded leather.
UNSMOKEDunsmoked adj. (Of food) not preserved by treatment with smoke and thus retaining more of the original flavour, for…
unsmoked adj. (Of a cigarette, cigar or pipe): not lit, not burnt.
UNSMOKED adj. not smoked.
UNSOAKEDunsoaked adj. That has not been soaked.
UNSOAKED adj. not soaked.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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