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There are 19 eight-letter words containing D, K, N, O and W

BACKDOWNbackdown n. An act of backing down; a retraction or withdrawal.
back␣down v. (Idiomatic) To take a less aggressive position in a conflict than one previously has or has planned to.
back␣down v. (Idiomatic) To withdraw from a commitment or position.
DOWNLIKEdownlike adj. Resembling down (soft immature feathers) or some aspect of it.
DOWNLIKE adj. like down.
DOWNLINKdownlink n. (Telecommunications) The transmission of a signal from a satellite to a receiving station on earth;…
downlink n. (Telecommunications) Transmission of data from a network, usually wireless, to the user.
downlink v. To transmit a signal from a satellite to a terrestrial receiving station.
DOWNTICKdowntick n. A small decrease or downward change in something that has been steady or rising.
downtick n. (Finance) A stock market transaction or quote at a price below a preceding one.
DOWNTICK n. a stock market transaction.
HANDWORKhandwork n. Work done by the hands, as opposed to by machine.
handwork v. (Transitive) To work (materials) by hand, without the use of a machine.
hand-work n. (Rare) Alternative form of handiwork.
HOODWINKhoodwink v. (Transitive, archaic) To cover the eyes with, or as if with, a hood; to blindfold.
hoodwink v. (Transitive, figuratively).
hoodwink v. (Intransitive, obsolete, rare) To close the eyes.
INKWOODSinkwoods n. Plural of inkwood.
INKWOOD n. an evergreen tree.
INWORKEDinworked v. Simple past tense and past participle of inwork.
INWORK v. to work in.
KICKDOWNkickdown n. (Automotive) In a vehicle with automatic transmission, a downshift triggered by pressing down the throttle pedal.
kick-down n. Alternative form of kickdown.
kick␣down v. To break or demolish something by physical bodily force.
KINGWOODkingwood n. Dalbergia cearensis, a Brazilian tree having a violet-brown, hard texture.
kingwood n. (Uncountable) The wood of this tree, used in cabinetmaking.
Kingwood prop.n. An unincorporated community in Harris County and Montgomery County, near Houston, Texas, United States.
KNOTWEEDknotweed n. Any of several plants of the genus Polygonum, with jointed stems and inconspicuous flowers.
KNOTWEED n. a pernicious weed of waterways.
LOCKDOWNlockdown n. The confinement of people in their own rooms (e.g., in a school) or cells (in a prison), or to their…
lockdown n. (US) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting.
lock-down n. Alternative form of lockdown.
LOOKDOWNlookdown n. An oddly-shaped Atlantic marine fish, Selene vomer.
look␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, down.
look␣down v. (Intransitive) To lower one’s eyes; to direct one’s look downwards.
MARKDOWNmarkdown n. A reduction in price in order to stimulate sales.
mark␣down v. To reduce the price of.
mark␣down v. To write a memorandum about.
TAKEDOWNtakedown n. (Slang) A taking down: the arrest of a suspect by a police officer.
takedown n. (Martial arts) A taking down: an act of bringing one’s opponent to the ground by grabbing one or both…
takedown n. Enforced removal of material from a website, etc.
UNWORKEDunworked adj. Yet to be altered, carved, milled, worked, or otherwise changed from its natural or crude state.
unworked adj. (Archaeology) Describing an unaltered material found associated with human tool-making or other cultural activity.
UNWORK v. to undo or destroy, as work previously done.
WINDSOCKwindsock n. (Aviation) A large, conical, open-ended tube designed to indicate wind direction and relative wind speed…
wind␣sock n. Alternative form of windsock.
WINDSOCK n. a device on an aerodrome to show the strength of the wind.
WOODSKINWOODSKIN n. an American Indian canoe made of bark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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