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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing D, I, T and 2U

BUILDOUTbuildout n. The construction and implementation of a system.
buildout n. The growth, development, or expansion of something.
build␣out v. (Transitive) To develop or expand (A system, structure, project, etc.).
OUTBUILDoutbuild v. (Transitive) To build more or better than.
OUTBUILD v. to surpass in building.
OUTGUIDEoutguide n. A physical placeholder marking the place of a record that has been temporarily removed from a file.
OUTGUIDE v. to surpass in guiding.
QUIETUDEquietude n. Tranquility.
QUIETUDE n. tranquillity.
STUDIOUSstudious adj. Given to thought, or to the examination of subjects by contemplation; contemplative.
studious adj. Dedicated to study; devoted to the acquisition of knowledge from books.
studious adj. (Usually followed by an infinitive or by "of") Earnest in endeavors; attentive; diligent.
TRIDUUMStriduums n. Plural of triduum.
TRIDUUM n. (Latin) a period of three days of prayer preceding Roman Catholic feasts.
UNSUITEDunsuited adj. Not suited to a specific purpose.
unsuited adj. Not compatible; mismatched.
unsuited adj. Not wearing a suit.
UNTURBIDunturbid adj. Not turbid.
UNTURBID adj. not turbid.
UNUNITEDununited adj. Not united.
UNUNITED adj. not united.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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