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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, I, R, U and Y

AUDITORYauditory adj. Of, or relating to hearing, or to the sense or organs of hearing.
auditory n. (Archaic) Synonym of audience.
auditory n. (Archaic) Synonym of auditorium.
DRYSUITSdrysuits n. Plural of drysuit.
DRYSUIT n. a close-fitting air- and watertight synthetic suit for wearing in esp. cold water, that retains warmth by a layer of air, and allows clothing to be worn underneath it.
DYSURIASdysurias n. Plural of dysuria.
DYSURIA n. pain in passing urine, also DYSURY.
DYSURIESdysuries n. Plural of dysury.
DYSURY n. pain in passing urine, also DYSURIA.
INDUSTRYindustry n. (Uncountable) The tendency to work persistently. Diligence.
industry n. (Countable, business, economics) Businesses of the same type, considered as a whole. Trade.
industry n. (Uncountable, economics) Businesses that produce goods as opposed to services.
PUNDITRYpunditry n. (Uncountable) The state of being a pundit.
punditry n. (Countable) The opinion or advice of a pundit.
punditry n. (Uncountable) The behaviour of a pundit.
PUTRIDLYputridly adv. In a putrid manner.
PUTRID adv. rotten.
RIBAUDRYribaudry n. Obsolete form of ribaldry.
RIBAUDRY n. (Spenser) ribaldry, also RYBAUDRYE.
RUDDYINGruddying v. Present participle of ruddy.
RUDDY v. to redden.
STURDILYsturdily adv. In a sturdy manner.
STURDY adv. strongly built.
SUNDRILYsundrily adv. In sundry ways; variously.
SUNDRY adv. miscellaneous.
TURBIDLYturbidly adv. In a turbid manner; with muddiness or confusion.
turbidly adv. (Obsolete) proudly; haughtily.
TURBID adv. thick or opaque with/as if with sediment.
TURGIDLYturgidly adv. In a turgid manner.
TURGID adv. swollen, inflated, also TURGENT.
UPDRYINGupdrying v. Present participle of updry.
UPDRY v. to dry completely.
URIDYLICuridylic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to uridine or its derivatives.
URIDYLIC adj. as in uridylic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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