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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing D, G, O and 2S

DISGOWNSdisgowns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disgown.
DISGOWN v. to strip of a gown.
DOGSHIPSdogships n. Plural of dogship.
DOGSHIP n. the personality of a dog.
DOGSHOWSDOGSHOW n. a show for dogs.
DOGSKINSdogskins n. Plural of dogskin.
DOGSKIN n. leather made from dog's skin.
DOGSLEDSdogsleds n. Plural of dogsled.
DOGSLED v. to ride a sled drawn by dogs.
DOWSINGSdowsings n. Plural of dowsing.
DOWSING n. the act of looking for water with a divining rod.
GODSENDSgodsends n. Plural of godsend.
God-sends n. Plural of God-send.
GODSEND n. an unexpected boon.
GODSHIPSgodships n. Plural of godship.
GODSHIP n. the rank of a god.
GODSLOTSGod␣slots n. Plural of God slot.
GODSLOT n. a slot in a television schedule for religious broadcasts.
GOLDLESSgoldless adj. Lacking gold.
GOLDLESS adj. having no gold.
GOODNESSgoodness n. (Uncountable) The state or characteristic of being good.
goodness n. (Countable) The good, nutritional, healthy part or content of something.
goodness n. (Uncountable, euphemistic) God.
GORSEDDSgorsedds n. Plural of gorsedd.
GORSEDD n. (Welsh) an assembly for granting awards to Welsh bards.
GOSSIPEDgossiped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gossip.
GOSSIP v. to talk idly about others' affairs.
SANDHOGSsandhogs n. Plural of sandhog.
sand␣hogs n. Plural of sand hog.
SANDHOG n. a worker who works in sand.
SIGMOIDSsigmoids n. Plural of sigmoid.
SIGMOID n. an S-shaped curve in a bodily part.
SMOODGESsmoodges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smoodge.
SMOODGE v. (Australian slang) to kiss closely, also SMOOCH, SMOOGE, SMOUCH.
SONDAGESsondages n. Plural of sondage.
SONDAGE n. (French) a trial bore or excavation; a sounding out of opinion.
SPLODGESsplodges n. Plural of splodge.
SPLODGE v. to make a splash, also SPLATCH, SPLOTCH.
SPURDOGSspurdogs n. Plural of spurdog.
SPURDOG n. the dogfish.
STODGERSstodgers n. Plural of stodger.
Stodgers prop.n. Plural of Stodger.
Stodgers prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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