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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, G, O, P and U

GEEPOUNDgeepound n. Synonym of slug (“unit of mass”).
GEEPOUND n. a unit of mass.
GROUPOIDgroupoid n. (Algebra) A magma: a set with a total binary operation.
groupoid n. (Algebra and category theory) A set with a partial binary operation that is associative and has identities…
GROUPOID n. a type of mathematical set.
GUMDROPSgumdrops n. Plural of gumdrop.
GUMDROP n. a type of chewy candy.
OPPUGNEDoppugned v. Simple past tense and past participle of oppugn.
OPPUGN v. to assail with argument.
PLOUGHEDploughed v. Simple past tense and past participle of plough.
ploughed adj. Turned over with the blade of a plough to create furrows (usually for planting crops).
ploughed adj. (Figuratively, rare) Well-trodden or well-researched, previously explored.
PODARGUSpodargus n. Any of the birds of the genus Podargus in the frogmouth family.
Podargus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Podargidae – certain frogmouths, of Austrasia.
PODARGUS n. a bird of the frogmouth genus.
POLYDRUGpolydrug adj. Of, pertaining to, or using multiple different drugs.
POLYDRUG adj. pertaining to using several drugs together.
POSTDRUGpostdrug adj. After a drug is administered.
POSTDRUG adj. following the taking of a drug.
POUNDAGEpoundage n. (Countable) a charge based on the weight of something in pounds.
poundage n. (Countable) a charge based on the value of something in pounds sterling.
poundage n. (Countable) a weight measured in pounds.
POUNDINGpounding v. Present participle of pound.
pounding n. An act in which something or someone is pounded.
pounding adj. Characterized by heavy or loud throbs.
PRODRUGSprodrugs n. Plural of prodrug.
PRODRUG n. an inactive chemical substance that becomes an active drug in the body.
SOLPUGIDsolpugid n. (Zoology) Any arachnid of the order Solifugae.
SOLPUGID n. (Latin) a type of venomous arachnid, aka camel spider.
SPURDOGSspurdogs n. Plural of spurdog.
SPURDOG n. the dogfish.
UPDOMINGupdoming v. Present participle of updome.
updoming n. (Geology) A bulging upwards in a dome shape.
UPDOMING n. the upward deformation of a rock mass into a dome shape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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