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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing D, G, 2O and T

DOGBOLTSdogbolts n. Plural of dogbolt.
DOGBOLT n. a type of arrow.
DOGTOOTHdogtooth n. (Plural only "dogtooth") A canine tooth. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
dogtooth n. (Architecture) An ornament common in Gothic architecture, consisting of pointed projections resembling teeth.
dog-tooth n. Alternative form of dog tooth.
DOGTOWNSdogtowns n. Plural of dogtown.
dog␣towns n. Plural of dog town.
DOGTOWN n. a prairie-dog community.
DOGTROTSdogtrots n. Plural of dogtrot.
DOGTROT v. to move at a steady trot.
GILTWOODgiltwood n. Wood that has been gilded or painted gold.
GILTWOOD adj. made of wood covered with gilt.
GODSLOTSGod␣slots n. Plural of God slot.
GODSLOT n. a slot in a television schedule for religious broadcasts.
GOLDTONEgoldtone n. A metallic gold colour, as used in some paints.
GOLDTONE n. a photographic image printed on a glass-plate with a painted golden backing.
GONODUCTgonoduct n. (Zoology) Either of a pair of ducts, leading from a gonad to the exterior, through which gametes pass.
GONODUCT n. a duct leading from a gonad to the exterior, through which gametes pass.
GOODIESTGOODY adj. affectedly virtuous.
GOODTIMEgoodtime adj. Alternative form of good-time.
good-time adj. (Used only before the noun qualified) Who enjoys pleasurable activities without regard to the consequences.
good␣time n. (Countable) A period of time spent doing some pleasant, enjoyable or entertaining activity.
GROTTOEDgrottoed adj. Furnished with grottos.
GROTTOED adj. having a grotto.
OUTDODGEoutdodge v. (Transitive) To surpass in dodging.
OUTDODGE v. to surpass in dodging.
OUTDOINGoutdoing v. Present participle of outdo.
outdoing n. The act by which one person outdoes another.
OUTDO v. to exceed in performance.
STEGODONstegodon n. (Zoology) Any member of the extinct genus Stegodon, related to modern elephants; a stegodont.
STEGODON n. an extinct mammal with ridged teeth, also STEGODONT.
TOODLINGTOODLE v. to toot softly, also TOOTLE.
ZYGODONTzygodont adj. Having or relating to molar teeth whose cusps are paired.
ZYGODONT adj. relating to molar teeth whose cusps are paired.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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