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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, G, 2O and P

DROOPINGdrooping v. Present participle of droop.
drooping n. An instance of something drooping.
drooping adj. That droops or droop.
GOLLOPEDgolloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gollop.
GOLLOP v. to gulp hastily.
GONOPODSgonopods n. Plural of gonopod.
GONOPOD n. either of a pair of appendages that are the external reproductive organs of insects.
GOSPODARgospodar n. Alternative form of hospodar.
GOSPODAR n. (historical) a prince or governor, especially of Moldavia or Wallachia, also HOSPODAR.
GOSPODINGOSPODIN n. (Russian) a Russian title of address, equivalent to Mr, also GOSPODA.
GROUPOIDgroupoid n. (Algebra) A magma: a set with a total binary operation.
groupoid n. (Algebra and category theory) A set with a partial binary operation that is associative and has identities…
GROUPOID n. a type of mathematical set.
ODOGRAPHodograph n. Odometer.
ODOGRAPH n. a device for measuring distance travelled, also ODOMETER.
PAGEHOODpagehood n. The state of being a page (servant).
PAGEHOOD n. the condition of a page.
PEDOLOGYpedology n. The sub-discipline of soil science that: studies soils as a component of natural systems or deals with…
pedology n. The study of the behaviour and development of children.
PEDOLOGY n. the study of the growth and development of children, also PAEDOLOGY.
PODOLOGYpodology n. Podiatry, chiropody.
PODOLOGY n. the study of the feet.
POGROMEDpogromed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pogrom.
POGROM v. (Russian) to massacre systematically.
POIGNADOPOIGNADO n. (obsolete) a small dagger, also PONIARD, POINADO.
PROLOGEDPROLOG v. to preface, also PROLOGUE.
SPONGOIDspongoid adj. Resembling sponge.
SPONGOID adj. resembling a sponge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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