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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing D, G, L, N and T

BLINDGUTblind␣gut n. (Anatomy) The caecum of the intestines.
BLINDGUT n. the caecum.
DANEGELTDanegelt n. Alternative form of Danegeld.
DANEGELT n. a tax imposed in the 10th century to buy off the Danes or to defend the country against them, also DANEGELD.
DARTLINGdartling v. Present participle of dartle.
DARTLE v. to dart repeatedly.
DELATINGdelating v. Present participle of delate.
DELATE v. (archaic) to charge with a crime, report.
DELETINGdeleting v. Present participle of delete.
DELETE v. to remove printed matter.
DETANGLEdetangle v. (Transitive) To disentangle, remove tangles from (especially hair).
DETANGLE v. to remove knots or tangles from.
DILATINGdilating v. Present participle of dilate.
DILATE v. to make wider or larger.
DILIGENTdiligent adj. Performing with industrious concentration; hard-working and focused.
DILIGENT adj. persevering.
DILUTINGdiluting v. Present participle of dilute.
DILUTE v. to make thinner.
DOTINGLYdotingly adv. In a doting manner.
GOLDTONEgoldtone n. A metallic gold colour, as used in some paints.
GOLDTONE n. a photographic image printed on a glass-plate with a painted golden backing.
GRUNTLEDgruntled adj. (Obsolete) Grunted.
gruntled adj. (Humorous) Satisfied, pleased, contented.
GRUNTLE v. (dialect) to put in good humour.
LODGMENTlodgment n. An area used for lodging; a place in which a person or thing is or can be lodged.
lodgment n. The condition of being lodged.
lodgment n. The act of lodging or depositing.
TIDDLINGtiddling v. Present participle of tiddle.
TIDDLE v. to use with tenderness; to fondle.
TODDLINGtoddling v. Present participle of toddle.
toddling n. The unsteady walking of a child.
TODDLE v. to walk unsteadily.
TOODLINGTOODLE v. to toot softly, also TOOTLE.
TWANGLEDtwangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of twangle.
TWANGLE v. to make a sharp, vibrating sound, also TWANG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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