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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing D, G, H, N and R

ADHERINGadhering v. Present participle of adhere.
ADHERE v. to become or remain attached or close to something.
CHORDINGchording v. Present participle of chord.
chording n. An arrangement of musical chords.
chording n. (Computing) The ability, using a keyboard or similar device, to enter characters or commands in the…
HANDGRIPhandgrip n. A handle.
handgrip n. A covering (often rubber or foam) on a handle, designed to allow the user a more comfortable or more…
handgrip n. A handshake; a way of gripping hands with another person.
HANGAREDhangared v. Simple past tense and past participle of hangar.
hangared adj. Having a specified number or kind of hangars.
HANGAR v. to place in an aircraft shelter.
HANGBIRDhangbird n. The Baltimore oriole (Icterus galbula), whose nest is suspended from the limb of a tree.
HANGBIRD n. the Baltimore oriole, so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree, also HANGNEST.
HEADRINGheadring n. A band of hair and grass worn on the head by married Zulu men.
HEADRING n. a palm-leaf ornament worn in the hair by South African men after marriage.
HERDINGSherdings n. Plural of herding.
HERDING n. the act of forming into a herd.
HOARDINGhoarding n. (UK) A temporary fence-like structure built around building work to add security and prevent accidents to the public.
hoarding n. A roofed wooden shield placed over the battlements of a castle and projecting from them.
hoarding n. (Chiefly Britain or India) A billboard.
HORNDOGShorndogs n. Plural of horndog.
horn-dogs n. Plural of horn-dog.
horn␣dogs n. Plural of horn dog.
HORNGELDhorngeld n. (Historical) A kind of tax on cattle.
HORNGELD n. a feudal rent based upon the number of horned cattle.
HUNGEREDhungered v. Simple past tense and past participle of hunger.
hungered adj. (Obsolete) hungry; in need of food.
HUNGER v. to crave.
HURDLINGhurdling n. (Athletics) A track and field running event where the runners have to jump over a number of hurdles.
hurdling n. Hurdles collectively; frames of twigs, etc. for enclosing land.
hurdling v. Present participle of hurdle.
HYDROGENhydrogen n. The lightest chemical element (symbol H), with an atomic number of 1 and atomic weight of 1.00794.
hydrogen n. Molecular hydrogen (H2), a colourless, odourless and flammable gas at room temperature.
hydrogen n. A sample of the element/molecule.
REHANGEDrehanged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehang.
REHANG v. to hang again.
REHINGEDrehinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehinge.
REHINGE v. to hinge again.
THIRDINGthirding v. Present participle of third.
thirding n. (Obsolete) A riding (administrative division).
thirding n. The third part of anything; one third.
THRANGEDthranged v. Simple past tense and past participle of thrang.
THRANG v. (Scots) to throng.
THRONGEDthronged v. Simple past tense and past participle of throng.
THRONG v. to crowd into.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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