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There are 15 eight-letter words containing D, G, H, I and U

DOUCHINGdouching v. Present participle of douche.
douching n. A washing or irrigation with a douche.
DOUCHING n. the act of using a douche.
DOUGHIERdoughier adj. Comparative form of doughy: more doughy.
DOUGHY adj. resembling dough.
DUNCHINGdunching v. Present participle of dunch.
DUNCH v. (Scots) to jog, nudge, also DUNSH.
DUNGHILLdunghill n. A heap of dung, especially one for agricultural purposes.
dunghill n. (Figurative, derogatory) Any wretchedly mean, dirty or loathsome place, situation or condition.
dung-hill n. Alternative form of dunghill.
DUNSHINGdunshing v. Present participle of dunsh.
DUNSH v. (Scots) to jog, nudge, also DUNCH.
HINDGUTShindguts n. Plural of hindgut.
HINDGUT n. the rear part of the alimentary canal.
HOUNDINGhounding v. Present participle of hound.
hounding n. Pursuit, especially when persistent or relentless.
hounding n. (Nautical) The part of a mast below the hounds and above the deck.
HUDDLINGhuddling v. Present participle of huddle.
HUDDLE v. to press closely together.
HURDLINGhurdling n. (Athletics) A track and field running event where the runners have to jump over a number of hurdles.
hurdling n. Hurdles collectively; frames of twigs, etc. for enclosing land.
hurdling v. Present participle of hurdle.
NUDZHINGnudzhing v. Present participle of nudzh.
NUDZH v. (Yiddish) to nag, also NOODGE.
OUGHLIEDOUGHLY v. to make ugly, also OUGLIE.
QUIGHTEDquighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of quight.
QUIGHT v. (Spenser) to quit, depart from, also QUYTE.
THUDDINGthudding v. Present participle of thud.
thudding n. A dull banging sound; a thud.
THUDDING n. a dull percussive sound.
UNDIGHTSundights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undight.
UNDIGHT v. (Spenser) to undo, take off.
UNHINGEDunhinged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unhinge.
unhinged adj. (Figuratively, usually humorous) Mentally ill or unstable.
unhinged adj. Not furnished with a hinge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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