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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing D, F, I and 2O

BLOODFINbloodfin n. Aphyocharax anisitsi, a South American characin with blood-red tail and fins.
BLOODFIN n. a freshwater fish.
DISPROOFdisproof n. A refutation.
DISPROOF n. the act of disproving.
FIREWOODfirewood n. Wood intended to be burned, typically for heat.
FIREWOOD n. wood used as fuel.
FIRWOODSfirwoods n. Plural of firwood.
FIRWOOD n. the wood of the fir tree.
FLOODINGflooding v. Present participle of flood.
flooding n. An act of flooding; a flood or gush.
flooding n. (Psychology, figurative) Emotional overwhelm sometimes leading to a primal state of rage or panic.
FLOODLITfloodlit adj. Lit by floodlights.
floodlit v. Simple past tense and past participle of floodlight.
FLOODLIT adj. illuminated by floodlights.
FOODISMSFOODISM n. avid interest in food.
FOODOIRSfoodoirs n. Plural of foodoir.
FOODOIR n. a book or blog that combines a personal memoir with a series of recipes.
FORDOINGfordoing v. Present participle of fordo.
FORDO v. to destroy, also FOREDO.
GOODWIFEgoodwife n. (Obsolete) A female head of a household.
goodwife n. (Obsolete) A title of respect for a woman.
Goodwife n. (Obsolete) A title of respect for a woman.
HINDFOOThindfoot n. A rear foot.
HINDFOOT n. a rear foot.
IODOFORMiodoform n. (Chemistry) A halogenated hydrocarbon, CHI3; a yellow crystalline compound, formerly used as a mild…
IODOFORM n. a lemon-yellow crystalline compound of iodine with a saffron-like odour, used as an antiseptic.
SKINFOODskinfood n. Alternative form of skin food.
skin␣food n. A moisturizing cream for the skin.
SKINFOOD n. a cosmetic intended to nourish the skin.
WIFEHOODwifehood n. The quality or state of being a wife.
wifehood n. The character or behaviour that befits a good wife; wifeliness.
WIFEHOOD n. the status of a wife, also WIFEDOM, WIVEHOOD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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