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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2D, I, M and U

DIDYMIUMdidymium n. A mixture of praseodymium and neodymium once thought to be an element (symbol Di).
Didymium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Didymiaceae – certain slime molds.
DIDYMIUM n. a mixture of rare earth elements.
DIDYMOUSdidymous adj. (Botany, zoology) Twin, twinned; growing or occurring in pairs.
DIDYMOUS adj. occurring in pairs.
DISODIUMdisodium n. (Chemistry, in combination) two atoms of sodium in a compound.
DISODIUM adj. of a molecule, having two sodium atoms.
DRUDGISMDRUDGISM n. uninteresting work.
DRUIDISMdruidism n. The religion, philosophical beliefs, and attendant ritual practices of the druids.
Druidism n. The religion and philosophical beliefs promoting harmony with nature, and drawing on the practices of the druids.
DRUIDISM n. the religious system of the druids.
MEDUSOIDmedusoid n. Jellyfish.
medusoid adj. Having the shape of a jellyfish.
MEDUSOID n. a jellyfish, also MEDUSA, MEDUSAN.
MUDDIESTmuddiest adj. Superlative form of muddy: most muddy.
MUDDY adj. covered with mud.
MUDDLIERMUDDLY adj. disordered.
MUDDLINGmuddling v. Present participle of muddle.
muddling n. The act of one who muddles; confusion; disorderly progress.
MUDDLING adj. confused.
MUDDYINGmuddying v. Present participle of muddy.
muddying n. The process of making something muddy or obscure.
MUDDY v. to cover with mud.
MUDSLIDEmudslide n. A geological event in which viscous mud flows down an incline.
mudslide n. A mixed drink consisting of vodka, Kahlúa and Baileys.
mud␣slide n. Alternative spelling of mudslide which is more properly a mudflow.
MUEDDINSmueddins n. Plural of mueddin.
MUEDDIN n. (Arabic) the Muslim official who calls the faithful to prayer, also MUEZZIN.
PODIUMEDpodiumed adj. Placed on a podium (especially as a result of winning, or coming second or third, in a race or similar competition).
podiumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of podium.
PODIUM v. to win a place on the victors' podium by finishing in the leading places in a sporting competition.
SIDDURIMsiddurim n. Plural of siddur.
SIDDUR n. (Hebrew) a Jewish prayer book containing prayers and other information relevant to the daily liturgy.
UNDIMMEDundimmed adj. Not dimmed.
UNDIMMED adj. not dimmed.
UNMINDEDunminded adj. To which no attention is paid; ignored, unheeded.
unminded adj. Not wanting to do something; uninclined.
UNMINDED adj. not minded.
VIDENDUMvidendum n. That which is to be seen.
VIDENDUM n. things to be seen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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