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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2D, G, L and U

BUDDLINGbuddling v. Present participle of buddle.
BUDDLE v. to wash for ore on shallow tray.
CUDDLINGcuddling v. Present participle of cuddle.
cuddling n. The act of giving a cuddle.
CUDDLE v. to embrace.
CUDGELEDcudgeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of cudgel.
CUDGEL v. to beat with a heavy club.
DELUDINGdeluding v. Present participle of delude.
DELUDE v. to mislead that what is true is false.
DIVULGEDdivulged v. Past participle of divulge.
DIVULGE v. to reveal.
DRUGLORDdruglord n. A person who controls a large network of people involved in the illegal drug trade.
drug␣lord n. Alternative spelling of druglord.
DRUGLORD n. a criminal controlling the supply of drugs.
FUDDLINGfuddling v. Present participle of fuddle.
fuddling n. Intoxication from alcohol.
FUDDLING n. the act of tippling.
GUDDLINGguddling v. Present participle of guddle.
GUDDLE v. (Scots) to catch fish by hand, also GUMP.
HUDDLINGhuddling v. Present participle of huddle.
HUDDLE v. to press closely together.
INDULGEDindulged adj. Having had all desires, wishes, and whims granted; having been brought up lavishly, wanting for nothing.
indulged v. Simple past tense and past participle of indulge.
INDULGE v. to yield to the desire of.
MUDDLINGmuddling v. Present participle of muddle.
muddling n. The act of one who muddles; confusion; disorderly progress.
MUDDLING adj. confused.
PUDDLINGpuddling n. The action of forming a puddle.
puddling n. The process of working clay, loam, pulverized ore, etc., with water, to render it compact, or impervious to liquids.
puddling n. (Canal engineering) The act of lining a canal with puddle to make it watertight.
RUDDLINGruddling v. Present participle of ruddle.
RUDDLE v. to colour with a red dye, also REDDLE.
UNGELDEDungelded adj. Not gelded or castrated.
UNGELDED adj. not gelded.
UNGILDEDungilded adj. Not gilded.
UNGILD v. to remove the gilding from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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