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There are 18 seven-letter words containing D, P, S, T and U

DEPUTESdeputes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of depute.
DEPUTE v. to delegate.
DISPUTEdispute n. An argument or disagreement, a failure to agree.
dispute n. (Uncountable) Verbal controversy or disagreement; altercation; debate.
dispute v. (Intransitive) to contend in argument; to argue against something maintained, upheld, or claimed, by another.
DISRUPTdisrupt v. (Transitive) To throw into confusion or disorder.
disrupt v. (Transitive) To interrupt or impede.
disrupt v. (Transitive) To improve a product or service in ways that displace an established one and surprise the market.
DUBSTEPdubstep n. A genre of electronic music descended from 2-step garage, characterised by its dark mood, sparse half-step…
DUBSTEP n. a genre of electronic music conveying a dark and brooding atmosphere through prominent bass lines.
DUPLETSduplets n. Plural of duplet.
DUPLET n. a pair of electrons forming a single bond between atoms.
DUSTPANdustpan n. A flat scoop with a short handle, into which dust, dirt and other material is conveyed with a brush or broom.
DUSTPAN n. a pan for holding swept dust.
DUSTUPSdustups n. Plural of dustup.
dust-ups n. Plural of dust-up.
DUSTUP n. a to-do, a quarrel.
OUTSPEDoutsped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outspeed.
OUTSPEED v. to go faster than.
PUNDITSpundits n. Plural of pundit.
PUNDIT n. (Sanskrit) a learned person, an expert; originally a Hindu learned in Sanskrit, also PANDIT.
SPOUTEDspouted v. Simple past tense and past participle of spout.
spouted adj. Having a spout.
SPOUT v. to eject in a rapid stream.
SPURTEDspurted v. Simple past tense and past participle of spurt.
SPURT v. to gush forth, also SPIRT.
STANDUPstandup n. Alternative form of stand-up.
stand-up adj. Honest; honorable.
stand-up adj. Upright; while standing.
STUMPEDstumped adj. (Informal) Perplexed, confused.
stumped adj. (Cricket, of a batsman, not comparable) out as a result of the wicket-keeper breaking the wicket with…
stumped adj. (Slang, archaic) Done for; bankrupt or ruined.
STUPIDSstupids n. Plural of stupid.
stupids n. (Slang, humorous, with definite article) Stupidity; an instance of foolishness.
STUPID n. a stupid person.
UPDARTSupdarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of updart.
UPDART v. to dart up.
UPDATESupdates n. Plural of update.
updates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of update.
UPDATE v. to bring up to date.
UPSTANDupstand v. (Intransitive) To stand up; arise; be erect; rise.
upstand n. (Construction, plumbing) A section of a roof covering or flashing which turns up against a vertical surface.
upstand adj. (Construction) (of a beam) Having its top surface above the slab with which it integrates; "an upstand beam".
UPSTOODupstood v. Simple past tense and past participle of upstand.
UPSTAND v. to stand up on one's feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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