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There are 14 seven-letter words containing D, 2N, R and U

DRUNKENdrunken v. (Archaic, still occasionally in juxtaposition with eaten) past participle of drink.
drunken adj. Drunk, in the state of intoxication after having drunk an alcoholic beverage.
drunken adj. Given to habitual excessive use of alcohol.
DUNNARTdunnart n. Any species of the genus Sminthopsis of small carnivorous marsupials that resemble mice or shrews.
DUNNART n. (Native Australian) an Australian marsupial mouse.
DUNNIERdunnier adj. Comparative form of dunny: more dunny.
DUNNY adj. stupid.
DURNINGDurning prop.n. A surname.
DURN v. to damn.
ENROUNDenround v. (Archaic) To surround.
ENROUND v. (Shakespeare) to make round, surround.
ENURNEDENURN v. to put into an urn, also INURN.
INURNEDinurned v. Simple past tense and past participle of inurn.
inurned adj. Of cremated ashes: placed in an urn; buried, entombed.
INURN v. to put in an urn.
NONDRUGnondrug n. Any substance that is not a drug.
nondrug adj. Not of or pertaining to drugs.
NONDRUG adj. not involving drugs.
RUNDOWNrundown n. (Chiefly with definite article "the") A rough outline of a topic or situation.
rundown n. (Gambling) A summary of the horses to be raced on a particular day, with their weights, jockeys, odds, etc.
rundown n. (Baseball) A defensive play in which the runner is caught between two fielders, who steadily converge…
TURNDUNturndun n. (Australia) A bullroarer.
TURNDUN n. (Native Australian) an Australian bullroarer, also TUNDUN.
UNDERNSUNDERN n. (obsolete) originally the third hour of the day, about nine a.m.; later, a light meal taken in the afternoon.
UNDRAWNundrawn v. Past participle of undraw.
undrawn adj. Not drawn (in various senses).
UNDRAW v. to draw open.
UNDRUNKundrunk adj. (Of a drink) Not having been drunk.
UNDRUNK adj. not swallowed.
UNROUNDunround v. (Linguistics, transitive) To change (a vowel) so that it is no longer round.
unround adj. Not round.
UNROUND v. to articulate without rounding the lips.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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