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There are 19 seven-letter words containing D, M, S, T and U

DICTUMSdictums n. Plural of dictum.
DICTUM n. (Latin) an authoritative statement.
DIMOUTSdimouts n. Plural of dimout.
DIMOUT n. a condition of partial darkness.
DUMAISTdumaist n. A member of a duma (Russian legislative assembly).
DUMAIST n. (Russian) a member of the duma, the Russian parliament.
DUMBESTdumbest adj. Superlative form of dumb: most dumb.
DUMB adj. incapable of speech.
DURMASTdurmast n. Alternative form of durmast oak, a species of tree.
DURMAST n. a Eurasian oak, which bears sessile acorns and grows chiefly on acid soils.
DUSTMANdustman n. (Britain) A person employed to collect refuse from people’s homes and take it to be processed.
Dustman prop.n. A surname from German.
DUSTMAN n. a trashman.
DUSTMENdustmen n. Plural of dustman.
DUSTMAN n. a trashman.
MIDGUTSmidguts n. Plural of midgut.
MIDGUT n. the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract.
MOUSTEDMOUST v. to powder, also MUIST.
MUDCATSmudcats n. Plural of mudcat.
MUDCAT n. (US) a name given to several species of catfish.
MUISTEDMUIST v. to powder, also MOUST.
MUSTARDmustard n. A plant of certain species of the genus Brassica, or of related genera (especially Sinapis alba, in…
mustard n. Powder or paste made from seeds of the mustard plant, and used as a condiment or a spice.
mustard n. The leaves of the mustard plant, used as a salad.
SMOUTEDsmouted v. Simple past tense and past participle of smout.
SMOUT v. (Scots) to work as a compositor doing odd jobs, also SMOOT.
SMUTTEDsmutted v. Simple past tense and past participle of smut.
SMUT v. to soil, make smutty, also SMUTCH.
STADIUMstadium n. A venue where sporting events are held.
stadium n. An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races.
stadium n. (Historical) Synonym of stadion, a Greek unit of length equivalent to about 185 m.
STUMMEDstummed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stum.
STUM v. to increase fermentation by adding grape juice.
STUMPEDstumped adj. (Informal) Perplexed, confused.
stumped adj. (Cricket, of a batsman, not comparable) out as a result of the wicket-keeper breaking the wicket with…
stumped adj. (Slang, archaic) Done for; bankrupt or ruined.
TALMUDSTalmuds prop.n. Plural of Talmud.
TALMUD n. (Hebrew) the body of the Jewish civil and canonical law not comprised in the Pentateuch.
TEDIUMStediums n. Plural of tedium.
TEDIUM n. (Latin) the state of being tedious, also TAEDIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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