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There are 16 seven-letter words containing D, L, N, O and T

COTLANDcotland n. The land attached to a cottage, or held by a cottager or cotter.
COTLAND n. land belonging to a cottage.
DALTONSdaltons n. Plural of dalton.
Daltons n. Plural of Dalton.
DALTON n. a unit of atomic mass, aka amu.
DIPLONTdiplont n. (Genetics) An organism having a diploid number of chromosomes in its cells.
DIPLONT n. an organism with a particular chromosomal structure.
DOLENTEdolente adv. (Music) Sorrowfully, as if the player were mourning.
DOLENTE adj. (Italian) musical direction, to be performed in a sorrowful manner.
ENTROLDENTROLD v. (Spenser) a past participle of obscure meaning, possibly enrolled, also INTROLD.
INTROLDINTROLD v. (Spenser) a past participle of obscure meaning, possibly enrolled, also ENTROLD.
LENTOIDlentoid adj. Having the form of a lens; lens-shaped.
LENTOID adj. lens-shaped.
LENTOID n. something in the shape of a lens.
LETDOWNletdown n. Alternative form of let-down.
let-down n. (Countable) A disappointment or anticlimax.
let-down n. (Countable, uncountable) The neurohormonal release of milk in dairy cows or in breastfeeding human mothers.
NOTEDLYnotedly adv. In a way that is noted; notably.
NOTED adv. NOTE, to write down.
OUTLANDoutland adj. Provincial: from a province (of the same land).
outland adj. Foreign: from abroad, from a foreign land.
outland adj. (Used with ethnic nationalities) Living abroad, living in a foreign land, expatriate.
SANDLOTsandlot n. A vacant lot where children play.
SANDLOT n. a vacant plot of sandy land in a town, esp. one used by children for playing sport and games.
TALONEDtaloned adj. Having talons.
TALONED adj. having a talon.
TENFOLDtenfold adj. Containing ten parts.
tenfold adj. Ten times as much.
tenfold adv. By ten times as much.
TOLIDINtolidin n. Archaic form of tolidine.
TOLIDIN n. a type of organic compound, also TOLIDINE.
TOYLANDToyland prop.n. An imaginary land inhabited by living toys.
Toyland prop.n. (Informal) The world of the design, manufacture and marketing of toys.
TOYLAND n. the toy industry.
TROLANDtroland n. A unit (symbol Td) of conventional retinal illuminance, intended as a means of correcting photometric…
TROLAND n. a unit of measurement of retinal response to light.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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