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There are 18 seven-letter words containing D, L, M, O and U

ALODIUMalodium n. Alternative form of allodium.
ALODIUM n. (Latin) land held absolutely, also ALLODIUM, ALOD.
DOOMFULdoomful adj. Full of condemnation or destructive power.
DOOMFUL adj. (Spenser) dispensing judgment.
HOODLUMhoodlum n. A gangster; a hired thug.
hoodlum n. A rough or violent youth.
HOODLUM n. a smalltime criminal or gangster.
MODULARmodular adj. Consisting of separate modules; especially where each module performs or fulfills some specified function…
modular adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of or relating to a module or modules.
modular adj. Relating to mode or modulation.
MODULESmodules n. Plural of module.
MODULE n. a standard of measurement.
MODULUSmodulus n. (Mathematics) The base with respect to which a congruence is computed.
modulus n. (Mathematics) The absolute value of a complex number.
modulus n. (Physics) A coefficient that expresses how much of a certain property is possessed by a certain substance.
MOGULEDmoguled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mogul.
moguled adj. Covered with moguls (skiing bumps).
MOGULED adj. having obstacles on a ski slope.
MOULDEDmoulded v. Simple past tense and past participle of mould.
MOULD v. to work into a particular shape, also MOLD.
MOULDERmoulder v. (British spelling, transitive, intransitive) To decay or rot.
moulder n. A person who moulds dough into loaves.
moulder n. Anyone who moulds or shapes things, including in a mould.
MOULTEDmoulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of moult.
MOULT v. to shed feathers or fur, also MOLT.
MOUSLEDmousled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mousle.
MOUSLE v. to pull roughly.
MUDFLOWmudflow n. A type of landslide characterized by large flows of mud and water.
mudflow n. The dried-out product of such a flow.
MUDFLOW n. a moving mass of mud.
MUDHOLEmudhole n. A hole full of mud, especially one in a road.
mudhole n. A hole near the bottom of a steam boiler, through which the sediment is withdrawn.
MUDHOLE n. a hollow place full of mud.
REMOULDremould v. (Britain) To mould or shape again.
remould v. (Britain) To reshape or redesign.
REMOULD v. to retread a tyre, also REMOLD.
SOLIDUMsolidum n. (Architecture) The die of a pedestal.
solidum n. (Scotland, law) A complete sum.
SOLIDUM n. (Latin) a large moulding along the base of a pedestal.
UNMOLDSunmolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmold.
UNMOLD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOULD.
UNMOULDunmould v. (Transitive) To remove from a mould.
unmould v. (Transitive) To change the form of; to reduce from any form.
UNMOULD v. to change the form of; to reduce from any form, also UNMOLD.
VOLUMEDvolumed adj. Having volume, or bulk; massive.
volumed adj. (Archaic) Having the form of a volume, or roil.
volumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of volume.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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