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There are 13 seven-letter words containing D, I, M, O and P

DIMORPHdimorph n. Either of a pair of dimorphous substances.
DIMORPH n. either one of the two forms of a dimorphous substance.
DIPLOMAdiploma n. A document issued by an educational institution testifying that the recipient has earned a degree or…
DIPLOMA n. a document indicating an honour or privilege.
DIPLOMA v. to confer an honour or privilege upon.
DISHMOPdishmop n. A small mop used for washing dishes.
DISHMOP n. a mop for cleaning dishes.
HEMIPODHEMIPOD n. the button quail, also HEMIPODE.
IMPEDORIMPEDOR n. an electrical component, such as a capacitor or resistor, that offers impedance.
IMPLODEimplode v. (Intransitive) To collapse or burst inward violently.
implode v. (Transitive) To cause to collapse or burst inward violently.
implode v. (Computing, programming, PHP) The opposite of explode, array to string conversion.
IMPONEDimponed v. Simple past tense and past participle of impone.
IMPONE v. to impose; to wager.
IMPOSEDimposed v. Simple past tense and past participle of impose.
IMPOSE v. to set as a burden or task.
IMPOUNDimpound v. (Transitive) To shut up or place in an enclosure called a pound.
impound v. (Transitive) To hold back.
impound v. (Transitive, law) To hold in the custody of a court or its delegate.
PIGMOIDpigmoid adj. Alternative form of pygmoid.
pigmoid n. Alternative form of pygmoid.
PIGMOID n. a pigmy.
PODIUMSpodiums n. Plural of podium.
PODIUM n. (Latin) a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall.
PYGMOIDpygmoid adj. Resembling a Pygmy; generally, shorter than other peoples but not short enough to be considered Pygmies.
pygmoid n. A person so resembling a Pygmy, such as the Negritos of Asia and peoples of the Congo Basin with mixed…
PYGMOID n. a pygmy, also PIGMOID.
SPODIUMspodium n. Bone charcoal, used as bleaching material or in the purification of sugar.
SPODIUM n. (Greek) bone charcoal; powder obtained from calcination of substances.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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