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There are 18 seven-letter words containing D, I, L, P and U

BUILDUPbuildup n. An accumulation; an increase; a gradual development.
buildup n. (Dentistry) The construction of a composite core to repair a damaged tooth.
build-up n. Alternative form of buildup.
CLUPEIDclupeid n. Any of many soft-finned fish of the family Clupeidae.
CLUPEID n. a fish of the herring family, also CLUPEOID.
DUMPILYdumpily adv. In a dumpy manner.
DUMPY adv. short and thick.
DUPLIEDDUPLY v. (Scots) to give a second reply in Scots law.
DUPLIESduplies n. Plural of duply.
DUPLY v. (Scots) to give a second reply in Scots law.
EUPLOIDeuploid adj. Of or pertaining to euploidy.
euploid n. Any organism having a chromosome number that is an exact multiple of the haploid number for the species.
EUPLOID adj. having a chromosome complement that is an exact multiple of the haploid.
LISPUNDlispund n. Alternative form of lispound.
LISPUND n. (Dutch) a varying weight, 12 to 34 pounds, used in Orkney and Shetland, also LISPOUND.
LUDSHIPludship n. Pronunciation spelling of lordship.
LUDSHIP n. lordship, used when addressing a judge, also LUD.
PALUDICpaludic adj. Alternative form of paludal.
paludic adj. (Obsolete) Synonym of malarial.
PLAUDITplaudit n. (Often in the plural) A mark or expression of applause; praise bestowed.
PLAUDIT n. (Latin) an expression of praise.
PLUTOIDplutoid n. (Astronomy, obsolete) A trans-Neptunian dwarf planet.
PLUTOID n. any dwarf planet beyond Neptune.
PRELUDIPRELUDIO n. (Italian) a prelude.
PUDGILYpudgily adv. In a pudgy manner.
PUDGY adv. short and fat, also PODGY, PUDSEY, PUDSY.
SULPHIDsulphid n. Archaic form of sulphide.
SULPHID n. a sulfur compound, also SULFIDE, SULFID, SULPHIDE.
UNPILEDunpiled adj. Not piled.
UNPILE v. to disentangle from a pile.
UPBUILDupbuild v. (Transitive) To build up (literally).
upbuild v. (Transitive) To build up; to develop (figuratively).
UPBUILD v. to build up.
UPFIELDupfield adj. (Sports) Away from the defending team’s end of the playing field.
upfield adj. (Chemistry) Describing an NMR resonance at a lower frequency to that of a reference signal.
upfield adv. (Sports) Away from the defending team’s end of the playing field.
UPPILEDuppiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of uppile.
UPPILE v. to pile up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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