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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing D, I, 2L and Y

BLINDLYblindly adv. In a blind manner; without sight; sightlessly.
blindly adv. Without consideration or question.
BLIND adv. sightless.
CHILDLYchildly adj. Of or pertaining to a young child; childlike.
CHILDLY adj. (archaic) having the character of a child.
DAYLILYdaylily n. Any of several perennial plants, of the genus Hemerocallis, that have fleshy roots, grasslike leaves…
day␣lily n. Alternative form of daylily.
DAYLILY n. a liliaceous plant genus, whose flowers last for one day only.
DISALLYdisally v. To part, as an alliance; to sunder.
DISALLY v. to break an alliance.
FLUIDLYfluidly adv. In a fluid manner; smoothly.
FLUID adv. flowing.
GELIDLYgelidly adv. In a gelid manner; coldly, icily.
GELID adv. extremely cold, icy.
GODLILYgodlily adv. In a godly fashion; righteously.
GODLY adv. like a god.
IDEALLYideally adv. In an ideal way; perfectly.
ideally adv. Given ideal circumstances; preferably.
IDEAL adv. leaving nothing to be desired.
IDYLLICidyllic adj. Of or pertaining to idylls.
idyllic adj. Extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
idyllic n. An idyllic state or situation. (A substantive use of the adjective)
LAIRDLYLAIRDLY adj. like a laird.
LIVIDLYlividly adv. In a way that is livid.
LIVID adv. of bluish leaden colour; very angry.
LUCIDLYlucidly adv. In a clear and easily understood way, in a lucid manner.
LUCID adv. easily understood.
LURIDLYluridly adv. In a lurid manner, in a way that contains gauche details or is intended to shock or horrify.
LURID adv. shining with a red glow or glare amid darkness.
PHYLLIDphyllid n. A leaf-like structure in bryophytes.
PHYLLID n. the leaf of a liverwort or moss.
PSYLLIDpsyllid n. Any of the host-specific plant-feeding insects of the family Psyllidae, which feed on plant juices.
PSYLLID n. any of various plant lice, also PSYLLA.
SOLIDLYsolidly adv. In a solid or firm manner.
SOLID adv. having definite shape and volume.
TIDALLYtidally adv. In a tidal manner.
tidally adv. Using the tides.
TIDAL adv. pertaining to tides.
VALIDLYvalidly adv. In a valid manner.
VALID adv. sound, legally adequate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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