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There are 20 seven-letter words containing D, I, K, N and O

BODIKINbodikin n. A diminutive of body, forming part of the exclamatory phrase "ods bodikin", a corruption of God’s body.
BODIKIN n. a diminutive of body, in Od's bodikins, God's little body.
BODKINSbodkins n. Plural of bodkin.
Bodkins prop.n. A surname.
Bodkins prop.n. Plural of Bodkin.
BOINKEDboinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of boink.
BOINK v. to reverberate by bouncing, also BOING.
BRODKINbrodkin n. Alternative form of brodequin.
BRODKIN n. a high boot worn by classical actors, also BRODEKIN.
DAIKONSdaikons n. Plural of daikon.
DAIKON n. (Japanese) a long white root vegetable similar to a radish.
DOCKINGdocking v. Present participle of dock.
docking n. The process of cutting off or trimming the tail or ears of an animal.
docking n. (Nautical) The securing of a vessel to the quayside with cables.
DODKINSdodkins n. Plural of dodkin.
DODKIN n. (Dutch) an old Dutch coin of small value, also DOIT, DOITKIN, DUIT.
DOESKINdoeskin n. (Uncountable) Leather from the skin of a female deer or sheep.
doeskin n. (Countable) The hide of a doe, as opposed to a buck.
doeskin n. (Countable, chiefly in the plural) A glove made of doeskin leather.
DOGSKINdogskin n. Leather made from the skin of a dog, or from sheepskin in imitation of it.
DOGSKIN n. leather made from dog's skin.
DOITKINdoitkin n. A very small coin; a doit.
DOITKIN n. (Dutch) an old Dutch coin of little value, also DODKIN, DOIT, DUIT.
DOOKINGdooking v. Present participle of dook.
DOOK v. (Scots) to duck, bathe, also DOUK.
DORNICKdornick n. A coarse sort of damask, originally made at Tournay (in Flemish, Doornick), Belgium, and used for hangings…
dornick n. A stout figured linen manufactured in Scotland.
DORNICK n. a heavy linen fabric, also DORNECK, DORNOCK.
DOUKINGDOUK v. to duck, bathe, also DOOK.
DVORNIKdvornik n. (Archaic) A doorman, porter, janitor, or groundskeeper in a Russian household.
DVORNIK n. (Russian) a Russian concierge or porter.
INKWOODinkwood n. Hypelate trifoliata, a small tree in the soapberry family, native to extreme southern Florida and islands…
INKWOOD n. an evergreen tree.
INVOKEDinvoked v. Simple past tense and past participle of invoke.
INVOKE v. to appeal to for help, also INVOCATE.
KINGDOMkingdom n. A realm having a king and/or queen as its actual or nominal sovereign.
kingdom n. A realm, region, or conceptual space where something is dominant.
kingdom n. (Taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below domain and above phylum; a taxon at that…
LORDKINlordkin n. A little lord.
LORDKIN n. a little lord, also LORDING, LORDLING.
NONSKIDnonskid adj. Having a surface designed to prevent or reduce skidding; not able to skid or be skidded upon.
non-skid adj. Alternative form of nonskid.
NONSKID adj. designed to inhibit skidding.
WINDOCKWINDOCK n. (Scots) a window, also WINDORE, WINNOCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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