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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing D, 2I, L and T

DELIMITdelimit v. (Transitive) To mark or fix the limits of.
delimit v. (Transitive) To demarcate.
DELIMIT v. to mark the boundaries of.
DIALISTdialist n. A maker of sundials; a gnomonist.
DIALIST n. a dialer, also DIALLIST.
DIGITALdigital adj. Having to do with digits (fingers or toes); performed with a finger.
digital adj. Property of representing values as discrete, often binary, numbers rather than a continuous spectrum.
digital adj. Of or relating to computers or the Information Age.
DIRTILYdirtily adv. In a dirty manner.
DIRTY adv. soiled.
DISTILLdistill v. US standard spelling of distil.
DISTILL v. to extract by vaporization and condensation, also DISTIL.
DISTILSdistils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of distil.
DISTIL v. to extract by vaporization and condensation, also DISTILL.
DITHIOLdithiol n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound having two thiol groups.
DITHIOL n. a chemical compound consisting of two thiols.
IDOLISTidolist n. (Obsolete) A worshipper of idols.
IDOLIST n. someone who worships idols.
IDYLISTidylist n. Alternative spelling of idyllist.
IDYLIST n. a writer of idyls, also IDYLLIST.
KIDLITSKIDLIT n. literature for children.
LIMITEDlimited v. Simple past tense and past participle of limit.
limited adj. With certain (often specified) limits placed upon it.
limited adj. Restricted, small, few, not plentiful.
LITHOIDlithoid adj. Stone-like in texture, appearance or other characteristic.
LITHOID adj. like stone, also LITHOIDAL.
MIDLISTmidlist adj. (Publishing, of a book or author) Unlikely to be more than modestly successful.
MIDLIST n. a section of a publisher's list of current titles.
TIMIDLYtimidly adv. In a timid manner.
TIMID adv. lacking courage or self-confidence.
TOLIDINtolidin n. Archaic form of tolidine.
TOLIDIN n. a type of organic compound, also TOLIDINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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