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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing D, 2I, L and R

DELIRIAdeliria n. Plural of delirium.
DELIRIUM n. (Latin) the state of wild excitement.
DIARIALdiarial adj. Relating to a diary; daily.
DIARIAL adj. pertaining to a diary; daily, also DIARIAN.
DILLIERdillier adj. Comparative form of dilly: more dilly.
DILLY adj. very pleasing.
DIRLINGDIRL v. (Scots) to (cause to) vibrate, also THIRL, TIRL.
DIRTILYdirtily adv. In a dirty manner.
DIRTY adv. soiled.
IRIDEALirideal adj. Alternative form of iridial.
IRIDEAL adj. belonging to the iris family.
IRIDIALiridial adj. Relating to the iris of the eye.
IRIDIAL adj. relating to the iris of the eye, also IRIDAL, IRIDIAN, IRIDIC.
LIVIDERlivider adj. Comparative form of livid: more livid.
LIVID adj. of bluish leaden colour; very angry.
OILBIRDoilbird n. Steatornis caripensis, a nocturnal South American bird related to the nightjars that feeds on the fruit…
OILBIRD n. a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka guacharo.
RIDGILSridgils n. Plural of ridgil.
RIDGIL n. a male animal with only one testicle, also RIDGEL, RIDGELING, RIDGLING, RIGGALD, RIGLIN, RIGLING.
RIGIDLYrigidly adv. In a rigid manner; stiffly.
RIGID adv. stiff.
SILURIDsilurid n. Any catfish of the Siluridae family.
SILURID n. (Latin) any of a family of catfishes, also SILUROID.
WIRILDAwirilda n. An Australian acacia tree, Acacia retinodes, which has edible seeds.
WIRILDA n. (Native Australian) an Australian acacia tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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