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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing D, G, O, S and T

DEGOUTSDEGOUT v. (French) to make (something) into drops.
DIGLOTSdiglots n. Plural of diglot.
DIGLOT n. (Greek) a bilingual book.
DOGATESdogates n. Plural of dogate.
DOGATE n. the office of a doge, or chief magistrate of Venice, also DOGESHIP, DOGEATE.
DOTAGESdotages n. Plural of dotage.
DOTAGE n. the state of senility.
DOTINGSdotings n. Plural of doting.
DOTING n. an excessive love, also DOATING.
DUGOUTSdugouts n. Plural of dugout.
dug-outs n. Plural of dug-out.
DUGOUT n. a canoe made by hollowing out a log.
GHOSTEDghosted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ghost.
ghosted adj. (Of an article or published opinion) written under the name of another person; ghostwritten.
GHOST v. to ghostwrite.
GODSLOTGod␣slot n. (Informal) The time in a television schedule set aside for religious broadcasting.
GODSLOT n. a slot in a television schedule for religious broadcasts.
GODWITSgodwits n. Plural of godwit.
GODWIT n. a bird of the plover family, with a long slightly upcurved bill and long slender legs.
GOLDESTgoldest adj. Superlative form of gold: most gold.
GOLD adj. of the colour of gold.
GOWDESTGOWD adj. golden.
HOTDOGShotdogs n. Plural of hotdog.
hotdogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hotdog.
hot-dogs n. Plural of hot-dog.
STODGEDstodged v. Simple past tense and past participle of stodge.
STODGE v. to stuff full of food.
STODGERstodger n. (UK, slang, dated) A bun.
Stodger prop.n. A surname.
STODGER n. a dull person.
STODGESstodges n. Plural of stodge.
stodges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stodge.
Stodges prop.n. A surname.
STOOGEDstooged v. Simple past tense and past participle of stooge.
STOOGE v. to act as a comedian's straight man.
TODGERStodgers n. Plural of todger.
TODGER n. (vulgar slang) the penis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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