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There are 17 seven-letter words containing D, G, I, L and U

CLUDGIEcludgie n. (Scotland) A lavatory: a room intended for urination and defecation.
cludgie n. (Scotland) A toilet: a fixture intended for urination and defecation.
CLUDGIE n. (Scots) a lavatory.
DIVULGEdivulge v. (Transitive) To make public or known; to communicate to the public; to tell (information, especially…
divulge v. To indicate publicly; to proclaim.
DIVULGE v. to reveal.
DUELINGdueling v. Present participle of duel.
dueling n. The act of taking part in a duel.
DUELING n. the act of fighting a duel, also DUELLING.
DULLINGdulling v. Present participle of dull.
DULL v. to blunt, make dull.
ELUDINGeluding v. Present participle of elude.
ELUDE v. to evade.
GAUDILYgaudily adv. In a gaudy manner.
GAUDY adv. tastelessly showy.
GLADIUSgladius n. (Historical) A Roman sword roughly two feet long.
gladius n. (Zoology) A pen, a hard internal bodypart of certain cephalopods, made of chitin-like material.
GLADIUS n. (Latin) the internal shell, or pen, of cephalopods.
GUILDERguilder n. The former currency unit in the Netherlands, divided into 100 cents.
guilder n. The former currency unit in Suriname, divided into 100 cents.
guilder n. The current currency unit in the islands in the former Netherlands Antilles, divided into 100 cents.
GUILDRYguildry n. (Scotland) A guild or its members.
GUILDRY n. (Scots) membership of a guild.
GUILTEDguilted v. Simple past tense and past participle of guilt.
GUILT v. to cause someone to feel guilty.
GULLIEDgullied v. Simple past tense and past participle of gully.
GULLY v. to form ravines by the action of water, also GULLEY.
INDULGEindulge v. (Intransitive, often followed by "in"): To yield to a temptation or desire.
indulge v. (Transitive) To satisfy the wishes or whims of.
indulge v. To give way to (a habit or temptation); to not oppose or restrain.
LANGUIDlanguid adj. Of a person or animal, or their body functions: flagging from weakness, or inactive or weak, especially…
languid adj. Of a person or their movement: showing a dislike for physical effort; leisurely, unhurried.
languid adj. Of a person or their actions, character, etc.: lacking drive, emotion, or enthusiasm; apathetic, listless…
LAUDINGlauding v. Present participle of laud.
lauding n. An act of giving praise.
LAUD v. to praise.
OUGLIEDOUGLIE v. to make ugly, also OUGHLY.
PUDGILYpudgily adv. In a pudgy manner.
PUDGY adv. short and fat, also PODGY, PUDSEY, PUDSY.
UNGILDSungilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ungild.
UNGILD v. to remove the gilding from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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