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There are 15 seven-letter words containing D, 2G, N and O

BODGINGbodging v. Present participle of bodge.
bodging n. (Britain) Traditional craft of turning wood for chair legs, braces, etc.
BODGE v. to patch up.
DODGINGdodging v. Present participle of dodge.
dodging n. The act of dodging; a dodge.
DODGING n. a photographic technique.
DOGGINGdogging n. The act of one who dogs or harasses.
dogging n. (UK) The practice of having sexual intercourse in public places, especially parks, deliberately taking…
dogging v. Present participle of dog.
DOGGONEdoggone adj. (US, dialectal) Euphemistic form of goddamned.
doggone interj. (US, dialectal) Euphemistic form of goddamned; an expression of anger or annoyance.
DOGGONE adj. damned, cursed.
DONGINGdonging v. Present participle of dong.
DONG v. to ring a deep sound.
DUGONGSdugongs n. Plural of dugong.
DUGONG n. (Malay) an aquatic mammal, aka manatee or sea-cow.
GOADINGgoading v. Present participle of goad.
goading n. The act by which somebody is goaded.
GOAD v. to drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick).
GODDINGgodding v. Present participle of god.
GOD v. to treat as a god (a supernatural being).
GODLINGgodling n. A minor divinity, a local or inferior god.
godling n. A young god.
GODLING n. a lesser god.
GUDGEONgudgeon n. A small freshwater fish, Gobio gobio, that is native to Eurasia.
gudgeon n. (Australia) Any of various similar small fish of the family Eleotridae, often used as bait.
gudgeon n. (Figurative, archaic) A person apt to take the bait; one easily cheated or duped; also, an idiot.
GUNDOGSgundogs n. Plural of gundog.
gun␣dogs n. Plural of gun dog.
GUNDOG n. a dog trained to work with a hunter or gamekeeper.
HANGDOGhangdog n. A base, degraded person.
hangdog adj. Low; sneaking; ashamed.
hangdog v. To move or loiter in a sneaking or ashamed manner.
LODGINGlodging n. A place to live or lodge.
lodging n. Sleeping accommodation.
lodging n. (In the plural) Furnished rooms in a house rented as accommodation.
MODGINGMODGE v. (dialect) to do shoddy work.
SNOGGEDsnogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of snog.
SNOG v. (slang) to kiss.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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