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There are 16 seven-letter words containing D, F, I, O and R

DEIFORMdeiform adj. Godlike.
deiform adj. Conformable to the will of God.
DEIFORM adj. having the form of a god.
DIFFORMdifform adj. Irregular in form; not uniform; anomalous or dissimilar.
DIFFORM adj. (obsolete) unlike, irregular in form.
DISFORMdisform v. (Transitive, archaic) To deform or disfigure.
DISFORM v. to alter the form of.
FIBROIDfibroid n. (Pathology) A benign tumour of the uterus that is composed of either fibrous connective tissue or muscle.
fibroid n. (Pathology) A fibroma.
FIBROID n. a benign tumor, also FIBROMA.
FIREDOGfiredog n. Alternative form of fire dog.
fire␣dog n. (Archaeology) Bronze Age artifact used in worshipping either bulls or the moon, or as a holder for wooden…
fire␣dog n. (Chiefly US) Either of a pair of horizontal metal supports for holding logs in a fireplace.
FIRWOODfirwood n. The wood of the fir tree.
firwood n. A wood largely populated with fir trees.
FIRWOOD n. the wood of the fir tree.
FJORDICfjordic adj. Relating to fjords.
FJORDIC adj. of or like a fjord.
FLUORIDfluorid n. Archaic form of fluoride.
FLUORID n. a compound of fluorine, also FLUORIDE.
FOODOIRfoodoir n. A memoir that focuses on food and/or includes recipes.
FOODOIR n. a book or blog that combines a personal memoir with a series of recipes.
FORBIDSforbids v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of forbid.
FORBID v. to command not to do something.
FORDINGfording v. Present participle of ford.
fording n. The act by which something is forded.
fording n. Fording place.
FOREDIDforedid v. Simple past tense of foredo.
FOREDO v. to destroy, also FORDO.
FORSAIDforsaid v. Simple past tense and past participle of forsay.
FORSAY v. to forbid, to renounce.
FOUDRIEfoudrie n. (Britain, Shetland and Orkney) The jurisdiction of a foud.
FOUDRIE n. the jurisdiction of a foud or bailiff in the Orkneys.
FRIZADOFRIZADO n. (Spanish) a fine friezelike fabric.
TRIFOLDtrifold adj. Threefold.
trifold adj. Of a mirror: having three reflective surfaces hinged together.
trifold n. Any sheet of paper or cardboard, folded into three sections along two parallel creases and used to present…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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