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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing 2D, I, M and O

DEMIGODdemigod n. A half-god or hero; the offspring of a deity and a mortal.
demigod n. Someone held up for reverence as a supreme example.
demi-god n. Alternative spelling of demigod.
DERMOIDdermoid adj. Resembling skin.
dermoid n. A dermoid cyst.
DERMOID n. a cyst or similar cell structure to that of the skin.
DESMOIDdesmoid adj. Pertaining to a bundle.
desmoid adj. (Pathology) Fibrous; having closely interwoven fibres in bundles.
desmoid adj. (Medicine) Resembling, or having the characteristics of, a ligament or fibre; ligamentous, fibrous.
DIADROMdiadrom n. (Obsolete) A complete course or vibration, as of a pendulum.
DIADROM n. (Greek) a course or passing; a vibration.
DIAMONDdiamond n. (Uncountable) A glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded…
diamond n. A gemstone made from this mineral.
diamond n. A ring containing a diamond.
DIDYMOSDidymos prop.n. Didymos: An asteroid in Didymos double asteroid, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy; the main asteroid of…
Didymos prop.n. Didymos: A binary asteroid in Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy.
Didymos prop.n. An asteroid in Didymos double asteroid, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy; the main asteroid of the binary…
DODOISMdodoism n. Beliefs or policies that are ludicrously outdated.
DODOISM n. a stupid remark.
MODDINGmodding v. Present participle of mod.
MODDING n. the practice of modifying a production car to alter its appearance or to increase performance.
MOODIEDMOODY v. to persuade by flattery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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