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There are 17 six-letter words containing D, I, N, O and S

ADONISAdonis prop.n. (Greek mythology) A beautiful young man loved by Aphrodite.
Adonis prop.n. (Rare) A male given name from Ancient Greek.
Adonis prop.n. A surname.
BIDONSbidons n. Plural of bidon.
BIDON n. (French) a container for liquids.
DANIOSdanios n. Plural of danio.
DANIO n. a brightly coloured tropical freshwater fish.
DINGOSdingos n. Plural of dingo.
DINGO n. (Native Australian) the Australian wild dog.
DISOWNdisown v. (Transitive) To refuse to own, or to refuse to acknowledge one’s own.
disown v. (Transitive) To repudiate any connection to; to renounce.
disown v. (Transitive, computing, Unix) To detach (a job or process) so that it can continue to run even when…
DOINGSdoings n. Plural of doing.
doings n. Regular activities.
doings n. Social events.
DONSIEDONSIE adj. (Gaelic) unlucky, also DONSY.
DOSINGdosing v. Present participle of dose.
dosing n. The administration of a dose.
DoSing v. Present participle of DoS.
INDOLSindols n. Plural of indol.
INDOL n. a crystalline chemical compound, forming the basis of the indigo molecule, also INDOLE.
INDOWSindows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of indow.
INDOW v. to bequeath, also ENDOW.
IODINSIODIN n. a chemical element, also IODINE.
NIDORSnidors n. Plural of nidor.
NIDOR n. (Latin) the savory aroma of cooked food, esp. meat.
NOISEDnoised v. Simple past tense and past participle of noise.
noised adj. Having noise or perturbations that distort data values; noisy.
NOISE v. to spread as a rumour or report.
ONSIDEonside adj. (Sports) Not in an offside position; In the part of the playing area where one can legally play the ball, puck, etc.
onside adj. On the side of a vehicle from which the driver, paddler, etc. propels it.
onside adj. (Bridge) Favourably located, from the point of view of the player taking a finesse.
POINDSpoinds n. Plural of poind.
POIND v. (Scots) to distrain, impound.
SINDONsindon n. (Obsolete or historical) A fine thin linen muslin or cambric cloth.
sindon n. (Obsolete or historical) A piece of such cloth, particularly.
SINDON n. (archaic) a fine thin fabric of linen, cotton, or silk.
SODAINSODAIN adj. (obsolete) sudden, also SODAINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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