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There are 16 six-letter words containing D, E, O, R and V

DEVOIRdevoir n. (Archaic, often in plural) Duty, business; something that one must do.
DEVOIR n. (French) duty, responsibility; a usually formal act of civility or respect.
DEVOREDevore prop.n. A surname.
Devore prop.n. A rural neighbourhood of San Bernardino, California, United States.
Devore prop.n. An unincorporated community in Owen County, Indiana, United States.
DEVOURdevour v. To eat quickly, greedily, hungrily, or ravenously.
devour v. To rapidly destroy, engulf, or lay waste.
devour v. To take in avidly with the intellect or with one’s gaze.
DOVERSDOVER v. (Scots) to doze, also DOVE.
DOVIERDOVIE adj. (Scots) stupid.
DROVEDdroved v. Simple past tense and past participle of drove.
droved v. Informal past tense of drove.
DROVE v. to drive sheep or cattle.
DROVERdrover n. A person who drives animals, especially cattle or sheep, over long distances.
DROVER n. a driver of cattle or sheep.
DROVESdroves n. Plural of drove.
droves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drove.
DROVE v. to drive sheep or cattle.
GROVEDgroved v. Simple past tense and past participle of grove.
groved adj. Covered in groves.
GROVED adj. covered with a grove.
OVERDOoverdo v. To do too much; to exceed what is proper or true in doing; to carry too far.
overdo v. To cook for too long.
overdo v. To give (someone or something) too much work; to require too much effort or strength of (someone); to…
OVEREDovered v. Simple past tense and past participle of over.
OVER v. to go, leap or vault over.
PROVEDproved v. Simple past tense and past participle of prove.
PROVE v. to establish as certain or true.
VENDORvendor n. A person or a company that vends or sells.
vendor n. A vending machine.
vendor v. (Transitive, software engineering) To bundle third-party dependencies with the source code for one’s own program.
VERDOYverdoy adj. (Heraldry) Charged with leaves, fruits, flowers, etc.; said of a border.
VERDOY n. (French) in heraldry, a floral ornament.
VOIDERvoider n. One who, or that which, voids, empties, vacates, or annuls.
voider n. A tray or basket formerly used to receive or convey that which is voided or cleared away from a given…
voider n. (Historical) A contrivance in armour for covering an unprotected part of the body; a gousset.
VORREDVOR v. (Shakespeare) to warn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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