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There are 16 six-letter words containing D, 2E, L and N

ANELEDaneled v. Simple past tense and past participle of anele.
ANELE v. to anoint with extreme unction.
BLENDEblende n. (Mineralogy) sphalerite (a naturally-occurring sulfide of zinc).
BLENDE n. (German) a zinc sulphide, often containing some iron.
DENTELdentel n. Alternative form of dentil.
DENTEL n. one of a row of tooth-shaped square blocks, also DENTIL.
LEADENleaden adj. (Dated) Made of lead.
leaden adj. Pertaining to or resembling lead; grey, heavy, sluggish.
leaden adj. Dull; darkened with overcast.
LEANEDleaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of lean.
LEAN v. to incline or tilt.
LEDDENledden n. Alternative form of leden.
LEDDEN n. (Spenser) language, dialect, speech.
LEGENDlegend n. An unrealistic story depicting past events.
legend n. A person related to a legend or legends.
legend n. A key to the symbols and color codes on a map, chart, etc.
LENDERlender n. One who lends, especially money; specifically, a bank or other entity that specializes in granting loans.
Lender prop.n. A surname from German.
LENDER n. one that lends.
LENGEDLENG v. to tarry.
LENSEDlensed adj. (Chiefly in combination) Having a (specified form of) lens.
lensed v. Simple past tense and past participle of lens.
LENS v. to make a film of.
NEALEDnealed v. Simple past tense and past participle of neal.
NEAL v. an aphetic form of anneal, to heat and cool metal gradually to temper.
NEEDLEneedle n. A long, thin, sharp implement usually for piercing as in sewing, embroidery, acupuncture, tattooing…
needle n. Any slender, pointed object resembling a needle, such as a pointed crystal, a sharp pinnacle of rock, an obelisk, etc.
needle n. A fine measurement indicator on a dial or graph.
NEEDLYneedly adv. (Archaic) Zealously; carefully; earnestly.
needly adv. (Archaic) Necessarily; of necessity.
needly adv. (Archaic) Urgently.
NEELDSneelds n. Plural of neeld.
Neelds prop.n. Plural of Neeld.
NEELD n. a needle, also NEELE.
RELENDrelend v. To lend again.
RELEND v. to lend again.
WEDELNwedeln n. (Skiing) A series of high-speed turns with the skis parallel.
wedeln v. (Skiing, intransitive) To perform a series of high-speed turns with the skis parallel.
WEDELN v. (German) to ski in a swiveling motion with skis close together, also WEDEL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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