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There are 20 six-letter words containing D, 2E, G and L

DELUGEdeluge n. A great flood or rain.
deluge n. An overwhelming amount of something; anything that overwhelms or causes great destruction.
deluge n. (Firefighting) A system for flooding or drenching a space, container, or area with water in an emergency…
EAGLEDeagled v. Simple past tense and past participle of eagle.
EAGLE v. to score two under par in golf.
FLEDGEfledge v. (Transitive) To care for a young bird until it is capable of flight.
fledge v. (Intransitive) To grow, cover or be covered with feathers.
fledge v. (Transitive) To decorate with feathers.
GEALEDgealed v. Simple past tense and past participle of geal.
GEAL v. (dialect) to congeal.
GELDEDgelded v. Simple past tense and past participle of geld.
gelded adj. Castrated.
GELD v. to castrate an animal, esp. a horse.
GELDERgelder n. One who gelds or castrates.
GELDER n. one who gelds or castrates.
GELLEDgelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of gel.
gelled adj. Enclosed in a gel.
gelled adj. (Of hair) Styled with hair gel.
GLEDESgledes n. Plural of glede.
GLEDE n. a bird of prey, also GLED.
GLEDGEgledge v. (Intransitive) To squint; to look cunningly.
gledge n. A knowing look.
GLEDGE v. to squint the eyes.
GLEEDSgleeds n. Plural of gleed.
GLEED n. a glowing coal.
GLEYEDgleyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gley.
gleyed adj. (Scotland) Having a squint.
GLEY v. (Scots) to squint.
LEDGEDledged adj. Having a ledge or ledges.
LEDGED adj. having a ledge.
LEDGERledger n. A book for keeping notes; a record book, a register.
ledger n. A book or other scheme for keeping accounting records.
ledger n. (Accounting) A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits.
LEDGESledges n. Plural of ledge.
LEDGE n. a narrow, shelflike projection.
LEGENDlegend n. An unrealistic story depicting past events.
legend n. A person related to a legend or legends.
legend n. A key to the symbols and color codes on a map, chart, etc.
LEGGEDlegged adj. Having legs of a certain specified type or number.
legged adj. Having legs; provided with legs.
legged adj. Wounded in the leg, especially as part of a hunt.
LENGEDLENG v. to tarry.
PLEDGEpledge v. To make a solemn promise (to do something).
pledge v. To deposit something as a security; to pawn.
pledge v. (Transitive) To give assurance of friendship by the act of drinking; to drink to one’s health.
REDLEGredleg n. A bird, the redshank.
redleg n. A bird, the turnstone.
redleg n. A plant in the buckwheat family, lady’s thumb.
SLEDGEsledge n. A heavy, long handled maul or hammer used to drive stakes, wedges, etc.
sledge v. To hit with a sledgehammer.
sledge n. A low sled drawn by animals, typically on snow, ice or grass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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