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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing D, 2E, U and Z

CENTRIFUGALIZEDcentrifugalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of centrifugalize.
CENTRIFUGALIZE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALISE.
DECONTEXTUALIZEdecontextualize v. (Transitive) To divest of context.
DECONTEXTUALIZE v. to consider (something) in isolation from its usual context, also DECONTEXTUALISE.
DEINDUSTRIALIZEdeindustrialize v. (Transitive, intransitive) To subject to deindustrialization; to deprive of industry.
DEINDUSTRIALIZE v. to disperse or reduce the industrial organization and potential of a nation, area, etc., also DEINDUSTRIALISE.
DESEXUALIZATIONdesexualization n. The act or process of desexualizing.
DESEXUALIZATION n. the act of desexualizing, also DESEXUALISATION.
DESPIRITUALIZEDdespiritualized v. Simple past tense and past participle of despiritualize.
DESPIRITUALIZE v. to deprive of spiritual character or influence, also DESPIRITUALISE.
DESPIRITUALIZESdespiritualizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of despiritualize.
DESPIRITUALIZE v. to deprive of spiritual character or influence, also DESPIRITUALISE.
NEBUCHADNEZZARSNebuchadnezzars n. Plural of Nebuchadnezzar.
NEBUCHADNEZZAR n. an oversize wine bottle holding about 3.50 gallons.
NONCOMPUTERIZEDnoncomputerized adj. Not computerized.
NONCOMPUTERIZED adj. not computerized, also NONCOMPUTERISED.
OVERGLAMOURIZEDSorry, definition not available.
REINDUSTRIALIZEreindustrialize v. To reintroduce industry or industrial techniques to.
REINDUSTRIALIZE v. to industrialise again, also REINDUSTRIALISE.
RESPIRITUALIZEDrespiritualized v. Simple past tense and past participle of respiritualize.
RESPIRITUALIZE v. to spiritualize again, also RESPIRITUALISE.
SUPERFICIALIZEDsuperficialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of superficialize.
SUPERFICIALIZE v. to make superficial, also SUPERFICIALISE.
UNANAESTHETIZEDunanaesthetized adj. Alternative spelling of unanesthetized.
unanæsthetized adj. Obsolete typography of unanaesthetized.
UNANAESTHETIZED adj. not anaesthetized, also UNANAESTHETISED.
UNCIVILIZEDNESSuncivilizedness n. The quality of being uncivilized.
UNCIVILIZEDNESS n. the state of being uncivilized.
UNDERCAPITALIZEundercapitalize v. (Economics) To supply with insufficient capital.
UNDERCAPITALIZE v. to capitalize insufficiently, also UNDERCAPITALISE.
UNDEREMPHASIZEDunderemphasized adj. Insufficiently emphasized.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.
UNDEREMPHASIZESunderemphasizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underemphasize.
UNDEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise insufficiently, also UNDEREMPHASISE.
UNDERPUBLICIZEDunderpublicized adj. Given inadequate publicity.
UNDERPUBLICIZED adj. insufficiently publicized, also UNDERPUBLICISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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