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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing D, 2L and 2T

ADAPTATIONALLYadaptationally adv. In terms of, or by means of, adaptation.
ADAPTATIONAL adv. relating to adaptation.
ALLOTETRAPLOIDallotetraploid adj. Amphidiploid.
allotetraploid adj. (Genetics) Having four sets of chromosomes derived from different species.
allotetraploid n. Amphidiploid.
BLOODGUILTIESTBLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
BLOODTHIRSTILYbloodthirstily adv. In a bloodthirsty manner.
BLOODTHIRSTY adv. eager for bloodshed.
DEBILITATINGLYdebilitatingly adv. So as to debilitate.
DEPARTMENTALLYdepartmentally adv. In a departmental manner; affecting departments.
DEPARTMENTAL adv. relating to a department.
DIALECTOLOGISTdialectologist n. (Linguistics) A person who studies regional differences in speech sounds.
DIALECTOLOGIST n. a specialist in dialectology.
DILATABILITIESdilatabilities n. Plural of dilatability.
DILATABILITY n. the state of being dilatable.
DYSTELEOLOGISTdysteleologist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of dysteleology.
DYSTELEOLOGIST n. a specialist in dysteleology, the study of functionless rudimentary organs in animals and plants.
INTERDIALECTALinterdialectal adj. (Linguistics) Between dialects.
INTERDIALECTAL adj. between dialects.
INTERRELATEDLYinterrelatedly adv. In an interrelated manner.
INTERRELATED adv. INTERRELATE, to bring into mutual relation.
LEPTODACTYLOUSleptodactylous adj. Having fine, slender toes or fingers.
LEPTODACTYLOUS adj. having fine, slender digits.
LIGHTHEARTEDLYlightheartedly adv. In a lighthearted manner, cheerfully, with joy.
light-heartedly adv. Alternative form of lightheartedly.
LIGHTHEARTED adv. free from care.
MALCONTENTEDLYmalcontentedly adv. In a malcontented manner.
MALCONTENTED adv. discontented.
MULTIDIALECTALmultidialectal adj. Consisting of, or conversant in, more than one dialect.
MULTIDIALECTAL adj. having many dialects.
MULTIELECTRODEmultielectrode adj. Of or pertaining to more than one electrode.
multielectrode n. Multiple electrodes joined together in a network.
MULTIELECTRODE adj. having many electrodes.
MULTINUCLEATEDmultinucleated adj. Having multiple nuclei; multinucleate.
MULTINUCLEATED adj. having many nuclei, also MULTINUCLEATE.
REDISTILLATIONredistillation n. (Uncountable) The purification of a liquid by means of multiple distillations.
redistillation n. (Countable) A second or subsequent distillation.
REDISTILLATION n. the act of redistilling.
TETRAETHYLLEADtetraethyllead n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative spelling of tetraethyl lead.
tetraethyl␣lead n. (Chemistry) A toxic organometallic compound, (C2H5)4Pb, added to petroleum/gasoline as an antiknock…
tetra-ethyl␣lead n. (Chemistry) Alternative form of tetraethyl lead.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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