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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing D, E, P, U and V

DISPURVEYANCESDISPURVEYANCE n. (Spenser) depriving of provisions.
DISRUPTIVENESSdisruptiveness n. Quality or state of being disruptive.
DISRUPTIVE n. causing disruption.
OVERMULTIPLIEDovermultiplied v. Simple past tense and past participle of overmultiply.
OVERMULTIPLY v. to become too numerous.
OVERPERSUADINGoverpersuading v. Present participle of overpersuade.
OVERPERSUADE v. to persuade to act contrary to one's conviction or preference.
OVERPRODUCTIONoverproduction n. The production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold.
OVERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
OVERSPECULATEDoverspeculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overspeculate.
OVERSPECULATE v. to speculate excessively.
PHOTOINDUCTIVEphotoinductive adj. Relating to photoinduction.
PHOTOINDUCTIVE adj. relating to photoinduction.
PREDEVALUATIONpredevaluation adj. (Economics) Before devaluation.
PREDEVALUATION adj. preceding a devaluation.
PRODUCTIVENESSproductiveness n. The state of being productive.
PRODUCTIVE n. having the power of producing, esp. in abundance.
PRODUCTIVITIESproductivities n. Plural of productivity.
PRODUCTIVITY n. the state of being productive.
REPRODUCTIVELYreproductively adv. In terms of, or by means of, reproduction.
REPRODUCTIVE adv. capable of reproducing.
REPRODUCTIVITYreproductivity n. (Uncountable) the condition of being reproductive.
reproductivity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is reproducible.
REPRODUCTIVITY n. the state of being reproductive.
SUBDEVELOPMENTsubdevelopment n. A development making up part of a larger development.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
SUPERCIVILISEDsupercivilised adj. Alternative form of supercivilized.
SUPERCIVILISED adj. extremely civilised, also SUPERCIVILIZED.
SUPERCIVILIZEDsupercivilized adj. Highly civilized.
SUPERCIVILIZED adj. extremely civilized, also SUPERCIVILISED.
UNDERDEVELOPEDunderdeveloped adj. Immature and not fully developed.
underdeveloped adj. Having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication.
underdeveloped adj. (Photography) of a film that has had insufficient development before being fixed.
UNPRODUCTIVELYunproductively adv. In an unproductive manner.
UNPRODUCTIVE adv. not productive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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