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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing D, M, P and 2T

COMPARTMENTEDcompartmented adj. Divided into compartments.
compartmented adj. Having (a specified type of) compartments.
COMPARTMENT v. to put into compartments.
DERMATOPHYTESdermatophytes n. Plural of dermatophyte.
DERMATOPHYTE n. a fungus parasitic on the skin or skin derivatives (as hair or nails).
DERMATOPHYTICdermatophytic adj. Being or relating to a dermatophyte.
DERMATOPHYTIC adj. of or like a dermatophyte, a fungus parasitic on the skin.
DERMATOPLASTYdermatoplasty n. (Surgery) Plastic surgery of the skin, especially the use of skin grafts.
DERMATOPLASTY n. a plastic operation on the skin.
DIOPTOMETRIESDIOPTOMETRY n. the measurement of ocular refraction.
DISPIRITMENTSdispiritments n. Plural of dispiritment.
DISPIRITMENT n. a state of being dispirited.
IMPOSTHUMATEDimposthumated v. Simple past tense and past participle of imposthumate.
IMPOSTHUMATE v. to form or inflict an abscess, also IMPOSTUMATE.
MALADAPTATIONmaladaptation n. (Evolutionary theory or psychology) The state of being poorly adapted to an environment.
MALADAPTATION n. poor or inadequate adaptation.
MISPUNCTUATEDmispunctuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of mispunctuate.
MISPUNCTUATE v. to punctuate wrongly.
MULTIPRODUCTSSorry, definition not available.
POSTMODERNISTpostmodernist adj. Postmodern.
postmodernist n. An advocate or follower of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNIST n. a follower of postmodernism.
POSTMODERNITYpostmodernity n. The state or condition of being postmodern.
postmodernity n. Something postmodern.
PREMEDITATINGpremeditating v. Present participle of premeditate.
PREMEDITATE v. to think about and revolve in the mind beforehand.
PREMEDITATIONpremeditation n. The act of planning or plotting something in advance, especially a crime.
PREMEDITATION n. an act or instance of premeditating.
PREMEDITATIVEpremeditative adj. Involving premeditation.
PREMEDITATIVE adj. given to or characterized by premeditation.
PREMEDITATORSpremeditators n. Plural of premeditator.
PREMEDITATOR n. one who premeditates.
STANDPATTISMSSTANDPATTISM n. the practice of refusing to consider change in one's beliefs and opinions, esp. in politics.
SUBDEPARTMENTsubdepartment n. A subordinate department, bureau.
SUBDEPARTMENT n. a subdivision of a department.
SYMPTOMATIZEDsymptomatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of symptomatize.
SYMPTOMATIZE v. to be a symptom of, also SYMPTOMATISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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