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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, L, N, V and Y

ADVENTUROUSLYadventurously adv. In an adventurous manner.
ADVENTUROUS adv. disposed to seek adventure.
DEVASTATINGLYdevastatingly adv. In a devastating manner.
DEVASTATING adv. overpoweringly effective.
DEVOLUTIONARYdevolutionary adj. Of, pertaining to, advocating or permitting devolution.
DEVOLUTIONARY adj. relating to devolution.
DEVOTIONALITYdevotionality n. The practice of a devotionalist.
DEVOTIONALITY n. the state of being devotional.
DISJUNCTIVELYdisjunctively adv. In a disjunctive manner.
DISJUNCTIVE adv. separating.
DISTINCTIVELYdistinctively adv. In a distinctive manner; in a way that is notable for its difference.
DISTINCTIVE adv. serving to distinguish.
IMPROVIDENTLYimprovidently adv. In an improvident manner.
IMPROVIDENT adv. lacking foresight, thoughtless, also UNPROVIDENT.
INADVERTENTLYinadvertently adv. Unintentionally; because of an oversight.
INADVERTENT adv. not focusing the mind on a matter.
INDIVIDUALITYindividuality n. (Uncountable) The characteristics that contribute to the differentiation or distinction of someone or…
individuality n. (Countable) A person.
INDIVIDUALITY n. total character peculiar to and distinguishing an individual from others.
INVENDIBILITYINVENDIBILITY n. the state of being invendible.
QUADRIVALENCYquadrivalency n. Synonym of quadrivalence.
QUADRIVALENCY n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCE.
UNCIVILIZEDLYuncivilizedly adv. In an uncivilized manner.
UNCIVILIZED adv. not civilised, also UNCIVILISED.
UNDESERVINGLYundeservingly adv. In an undeserving way.
UNDESERVING adv. not deserving.
UNDEVIATINGLYundeviatingly adv. Without deviation; directly, unerringly.
UNDEVIATING adv. keeping a true course.
UNPERCEIVEDLYunperceivedly adv. Without being perceived.
UNPERCEIVED adv. not perceived.
VINDICABILITYvindicability n. The quality of being vindicable.
VINDICABILITY n. the quality of being vindicable.
VINDICATORILYvindicatorily adv. (Rare) In a vindicatory manner; in vindication of someone or something.
VINDICATORY adv. serving or tending to vindicate.
VINYLCYANIDESVINYLCYANIDE n. another name for acrylonitrile, a compound used in making synthetic fibres.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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