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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing D, G, P, T and Y

CATHODOGRAPHYCATHODOGRAPHY n. the taking of photographs created using X-rays.
DACTYLOGRAPHYdactylography n. The science of using fingerprints to uniquely identify people.
dactylography n. The study of finger rings.
DACTYLOGRAPHY n. the study of fingerprints as a means of identification.
DAGUERREOTYPEdaguerreotype n. An early type of photograph created by exposing a silver surface which has previously been exposed to…
daguerreotype v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make a photograph using this process, to make a daguerreotype (of).
DAGUERREOTYPE v. to develop by daguerreotype, a method of photography by mercury vapour development of silver iodide.
DAGUERREOTYPYdaguerreotypy n. The art or technique of producing daguerreotypes.
DAGUERREOTYPY n. the art of daguerreotyping.
DEHYPNOTISINGdehypnotising v. Present participle of dehypnotise.
DEHYPNOTISE v. to free from hypnosis, also DEHYPNOTIZE.
DEHYPNOTIZINGdehypnotizing v. Present participle of dehypnotize.
DEHYPNOTIZE v. to free from hypnosis, also DEHYPNOTISE.
DEPRECATINGLYdeprecatingly adv. In a deprecating manner.
DEPRECATING adv. DEPRECATE, to regret deeply; to express disapproval of.
DERMATOGRAPHYdermatography n. The anatomical description of the skin.
DERMATOGRAPHY n. anatomical description of the skin, also DERMOGRAPHY.
DIPHTHONGALLYdiphthongally adv. By means of a diphthong.
DIPHTHONGAL adv. of or like a diphthong.
DIPLOMATOLOGYdiplomatology n. The study or science of diplomatics, charters, decrees, etc.
DIPLOMATOLOGY n. the study of diplomats.
DISPIRITINGLYdispiritingly adv. In a dispiriting manner.
DISPIRITING adv. DISPIRIT, to lower in spirits.
GLYCOPEPTIDESglycopeptides n. Plural of glycopeptide.
GLYCOPEPTIDE n. any of the compounds formed by the conjugation of a protein with a substance containing a carbohydrate group other than a nucleic acid.
PEPTIDOGLYCANpeptidoglycan n. (Biochemistry) A polymer of glycan and peptides found in bacterial cell walls.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
PHARYNGITIDESpharyngitides n. Plural of pharyngitis.
PHARYNGITIS n. inflammation of the pharynx.
POSTMODIFYINGpostmodifying v. Present participle of postmodify.
POSTMODIFY v. to modify the sense of (a word or phrase) by being placed after it.
TYPEFOUNDINGSTYPEFOUNDING n. the casting of printers' type.
UPGRADABILITYupgradability n. (Computing, of electronic equipment) Capability of being improved in functionality by the addition or…
UPGRADABILITY n. the state of being upgradable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 112 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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