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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing D, F, R, S and Y

CARRYFORWARDScarryforwards n. Plural of carryforward.
CARRYFORWARD n. a subtotal carried forward to the next column of figures.
DECRASSIFYINGdecrassifying v. Present participle of decrassify.
DECRASSIFY v. to make less crass or boorish.
DEFERVESCENCYdefervescency n. Alternative form of defervescence.
DEFERVESCENCY n. abatement of heat; decrease of feverish symptoms, also DEFERVESCENCE.
DISCONFORMITYdisconformity n. (Geology) A type of unconformity in which erosion or lack of deposition has occurred between two parallel…
disconformity n. (Religion) nonconformity.
DISCONFORMITY n. an unconformity in which the beds above the unconformity are parallel to the beds below the unconformity.
DISGLORIFYINGdisglorifying v. Present participle of disglorify.
DISGLORIFY v. (Milton) to deprive of glory.
DISGRACEFULLYdisgracefully adv. In a disgraceful manner.
DISGRACEFUL adv. bringing or involving disgrace.
DISTRESSFULLYdistressfully adv. In a distressful way; showing distress.
DISTRESSFUL adv. causing distress.
DISTRUSTFULLYdistrustfully adv. In a distrustful manner.
DISTRUSTFUL adv. having or showing distrust.
FERRICYANIDESferricyanides n. Plural of ferricyanide.
FERRICYANIDE n. a salt of hydroferricyanic acid.
FERROCYANIDESferrocyanides n. Plural of ferrocyanide.
FERROCYANIDE n. a salt of hydroferrocyanic acid.
FORESIGHTEDLYforesightedly adv. With foresight; in a foresighted manner.
FORESIGHTED adv. having foresight.
FORMALDEHYDESformaldehydes n. Plural of formaldehyde.
FORMALDEHYDE n. a formic aldehyde, formalin.
HYDROFORMINGSHYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
ODORIFEROUSLYodoriferously adv. In an odoriferous manner.
ODORIFEROUS adv. giving off an odour; morally offensive, also ODIFEROUS.
RESOLIDIFYINGresolidifying v. Present participle of resolidify.
RESOLIDIFY v. to solidify again.
SOFTHEARTEDLYsoftheartedly adv. In a softhearted manner; with sentimental tenderness.
soft-heartedly adv. Alternative form of softheartedly.
SOFTHEARTED adv. emotionally responsive.
SUPERFLUIDITYsuperfluidity n. (Physics) The frictionless flow that is characteristic of a fluid with zero viscosity, especially liquid…
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
TYPEFOUNDRIEStype␣foundries n. Plural of type foundry.
TYPEFOUNDRY n. a place where type is cast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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