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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing D, L, 2M and N

COMMANDINGLYcommandingly adv. In a commanding fashion.
COMMANDING adv. COMMAND, to direct with authority.
COMMONPLACEDcommonplaced v. Simple past tense and past participle of commonplace.
COMMONPLACE v. to put in a commonplace book, a book of truisms.
COMMUNALISEDcommunalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of communalise.
COMMUNALISE v. to make communal, also COMMUNALIZE.
COMMUNALIZEDcommunalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of communalize.
COMMUNALIZE v. to make communal, also COMMUNALISE.
COMPLEMENTEDcomplemented v. Simple past tense and past participle of complement.
COMPLEMENT v. to be complementary to.
COMPLIMENTEDcomplimented v. Simple past tense and past participle of compliment.
COMPLIMENT v. to express admiration for.
DEMOLISHMENTdemolishment n. (Archaic) demolition.
DEMOLISHMENT n. the act of demolishing.
DURALUMINIUMduraluminium n. Synonym of duralumin.
DURALUMINIUM n. a strong, light, aluminium alloy containing copper, also DURAL, DURALUMIN.
ENTRAMMELLEDentrammelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of entrammel.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.
IMPEDIMENTALimpedimental adj. Of the nature of an impediment; hindering or obstructing.
IMPEDIMENTAL adj. causing hindrance; impeding.
LAMPADOMANCYlampadomancy n. Divination by the interpretation of the flame of a lamp. A type of pyromancy.
LAMPADOMANCY n. divination using the flame of a torch.
MALIMPRINTEDMALIMPRINTED adj. of an animal or person, suffering from a defect in the behavioural process of imprinting, resulting in attraction to members of other species, fetishism, etc.
MEDICAMENTALmedicamental adj. (Archaic) Of or pertaining to medicaments or healing applications; having the qualities of medicaments.
MEDICAMENTAL adj. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTARY.
MENDELEVIUMSMENDELEVIUM n. an unstable radioactive element discovered in 1955.
PALUDAMENTUMpaludamentum n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
PALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
POLYDEMONISMpolydemonism n. (Religion) The existence of multiple demons; the worship of these demons.
POLYDEMONISM n. the belief in and worship of numerous supernatural powers, also POLYDAEMONISM.
SIMPLEMINDEDsimpleminded adj. Stupid.
simpleminded adj. Unsophisticated; lacking subtlety.
simple-minded adj. Lacking subtlety or sophistication.
TELECOMMANDStelecommands n. Plural of telecommand.
TELECOMMAND n. the operation of machinery by remote electronic control.
UNTRAMMELLEDuntrammelled adj. Alternative form of untrammeled.
UNTRAMMELLED adj. not trammeled, also UNTRAMMELED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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