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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, H, 2M and O

ADMONISHMENTadmonishment n. The act of admonishing; a reprimand or rebuke.
ADMONISHMENT n. a firm rebuke.
DEMOLISHMENTdemolishment n. (Archaic) demolition.
DEMOLISHMENT n. the act of demolishing.
DICHROMATISMdichromatism n. The condition of being dichromatic.
dichromatism n. (Pathology) A form of colourblindness in which only two of the three primary colours can be distinguished.
dichromatism n. (Biology) The condition when male and female birds have different plumage colors.
ENDOMORPHISMendomorphism n. (Geology) The assimilation of surrounding rock by an intrusive igneous rock.
endomorphism n. (Mathematics) A homomorphism that maps a system to itself.
ENDOMORPHISM n. metamorphism of cooling igneous rock; mapping a set into itself.
ENDOTHERMISMENDOTHERMISM n. the formation of a chemical compound with the absorption of heat.
HAEMODYNAMIChaemodynamic adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemodynamic.
HAEMODYNAMIC adj. of or relating to blood circulation, also HEMODYNAMIC.
HEMODYNAMICShemodynamics n. (Medicine) The circulation and movement of blood in the body, and the forces involved therein.
HEMODYNAMICS n. a branch of physiology that deals with the circulation of the blood, also HAEMODYNAMICS.
IDIOMORPHISMIDIOMORPHISM n. the state of being idiomorphic.
IMMETHODICALimmethodical adj. (Obsolete) Unmethodical.
IMMETHODICAL adj. not methodical.
LYMPHOMATOIDlymphomatoid adj. Relating to, or characteristic of lymphomata.
LYMPHOMATOID adj. like a lymphoma.
MEALYMOUTHEDmealymouthed adj. Alternative form of mealy-mouthed.
mealy-mouthed adj. Prone to speaking evasively, indirectly, or duplicitously; not forthright.
MEALYMOUTHED adj. not plain and straightforward.
MICROMETHODSmicromethods n. Plural of micromethod.
MICROMETHOD n. a method (as of microanalysis) that requires only very small quantities of material or that involves the use of the microscope.
MIMEOGRAPHEDmimeographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of mimeograph.
MIMEOGRAPH v. to copy by mimeograph.
MONORCHIDISMmonorchidism n. The condition of having only one testicle.
MONORCHIDISM n. the state of being monorchid, having one testicle, also MONORCHISM.
MOTORMOUTHEDmotormouthed adj. (Informal, of a person) Being a motor mouth; inclined to talk too much.
RHABDOMYOMASrhabdomyomas n. Plural of rhabdomyoma.
RHABDOMYOMA n. a tumour of striated muscle.
THERMOFORMEDthermoformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of thermoform.
THERMOFORM v. to give a final shape to plastics by heat and pressure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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