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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing D, E, 2G and M

ADVERGAMINGSADVERGAMING n. a method of interactive marketing in which free downloadable computer games appear on websites (often as pop-ups) to advertise a company or product.
AGGLOMERATEDagglomerated v. Simple past tense and past participle of agglomerate.
AGGLOMERATE v. to collect, esp. into a mass.
DEPIGMENTINGdepigmenting v. Present participle of depigment.
DEPIGMENT v. to take away or reduce the pigmentation in.
DEPROGRAMINGdeprograming v. Present participle of deprogram.
DEPROGRAM v. to prevail on a person to reject obsessive beliefs, also DEPROGRAMME.
DISEMBOGUINGdisemboguing v. Present participle of disembogue.
DISEMBOGUE v. (Spanish) to discharge or pour forth from the mouth (as from a river).
DISGORGEMENTdisgorgement n. The act of disgorging, particularly in the legal sense.
DISGORGEMENT n. the act of disgorging.
GANGSTERDOMSgangsterdoms n. Plural of gangsterdom.
GANGSTERDOM n. the world of gangsters.
GODMOTHERINGgodmothering v. Present participle of godmother.
GODMOTHER v. to act as a godmother.
MISGENDERINGmisgendering v. Present participle of misgender.
misgendering n. The act of referring to somebody by the wrong gender.
MISGENDER v. to refer to (a person) using a pronoun or title that does not correspond with that person's gender identity.
MISREGARDINGmisregarding v. Present participle of misregard.
MISREGARD v. (Spenser) to have no regard for.
PEDAGOGUISMSPEDAGOGUISM n. the state of being a pedagogue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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