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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing D, L, 2N and V

ADVANCINGLYadvancingly adv. In an advancing manner.
ADVANCING adv. ADVANCE, to put forward, to go forward.
INVALIDINGSinvalidings n. Plural of invaliding.
INVALIDING n. the act of treating as an invalid.
INVALIDNESSinvalidness n. Invalidity.
INVALIDNESS n. the state of being invalid.
LANDGRAVINElandgravine n. The wife of a landgrave, or a woman who rules over a landgraviate.
LANDGRAVINE n. a member of the German aristocracy.
LAVENDERINGlavendering v. Present participle of lavender.
LAVENDER v. to perfume with lavender.
NONDELIVERYnondelivery n. A failure to deliver.
NONDELIVERY n. a ball that does not count as a delivery.
NONINVOLVEDnoninvolved adj. Not involved.
NONINVOLVED adj. not involved.
NONVALIDITYnonvalidity n. The state or condition of being nonvalid.
NONVALIDITY n. the state of not being valid.
OVERLANDINGoverlanding v. Present participle of overland.
overlanding n. The practice of travelling overland, or moving stock overland.
OVERLAND v. to drive stock overland.
OVERLENDINGoverlending v. Present participle of overlend.
OVERLEND v. to lend too much.
OVERPLANNEDoverplanned adj. Excessively planned.
OVERPLAN v. to plan to excess.
VANDALISINGvandalising v. Present participle of vandalise.
VANDALISE v. to deal with or treat in a vandalistic manner, also VANDALIZE.
VANDALIZINGvandalizing v. Present participle of vandalize.
VANDALIZE v. to deal with or treat in a vandalistic manner, also VANDALISE.
VILIPENDINGvilipending v. Present participle of vilipend.
VILIPEND v. (Latin) to treat as of small worth; to contemn, disparage.
VINYLIDENESvinylidenes n. Plural of vinylidene.
VINYLIDENE n. a bivalent radical, a compound of carbon and hydrogen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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