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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing D, I, Q, R and S

BIQUADRATESbiquadrates n. Plural of biquadrate.
BIQUADRATE n. the fourth power.
INQUIRENDOSINQUIRENDO n. the authority to inquire into something e.g. for the benefit of the Crown.
LIQUIDATORSliquidators n. Plural of liquidator.
LIQUIDATOR n. one that liquidates.
LIQUIDISERSliquidisers n. Plural of liquidiser.
LIQUIDISER n. a device for liquidising, also LIQUIDIZER.
LIQUIDIZERSliquidizers n. Plural of liquidizer.
LIQUIDIZER n. a device for liquidising, also LIQUIDISER.
PASQUINADERpasquinader n. One who pasquinades; a lampooner.
PASQUINADER n. one who composes pasquinades.
QUADRASONICquadrasonic adj. Quadraphonic.
QUADRASONIC adj. relating to a system of sound recording and reproduction that uses four independent loudspeakers to give directional sources of sound.
QUADRICONESquadricones n. Plural of quadricone.
QUADRICONE n. a quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base.
QUADRILLERSquadrillers n. Plural of quadriller.
QUADRILLER n. one who dances the quadrille.
QUADRIPOLESquadripoles n. Plural of quadripole.
QUADRIPOLE n. a network with two input and two output terminals.
QUADRIREMESquadriremes n. Plural of quadrireme.
QUADRIREME n. an ancient ship with four banks of oars.
QUADRISECTSquadrisects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quadrisect.
QUADRISECT v. to divide into four equal parts.
QUADRIVIUMSquadriviums n. Plural of quadrivium.
QUADRIVIUM n. (Latin) a higher division of seven liberal arts studied in the Middle Ages, comprising arithmetic, music, astronomy, geometry.
QUADRUMVIRSquadrumvirs n. Plural of quadrumvir.
QUADRUMVIR n. a member of a quadrumvirate.
QUADRUPLIESQUADRUPLY n. (Scots) a reply to a triply.
SQUADRONINGsquadroning v. Present participle of squadron.
SQUADRON v. to organize in divisions of a regiment.
SQUANDERINGsquandering v. Present participle of squander.
squandering n. The act by which something is squandered; wastage.
SQUANDERING n. the act of squandering.
SQUIREHOODSsquirehoods n. Plural of squirehood.
SQUIREHOOD n. the rank of squire.
SQUIRRELLEDsquirrelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of squirrel.
SQUIRREL v. to store up for future use.
SURQUEDRIESsurquedries n. Plural of surquedry.
SURQUEDRY n. (obsolete) arrogance; haughty pride, also SURQUEDY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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