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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing D, 2G, I and M

ADVERGAMINGadvergaming n. The creation or playing of advergames.
ADVERGAMING n. a method of interactive marketing in which free downloadable computer games appear on websites (often as pop-ups) to advertise a company or product.
DEMAGOGICALdemagogical adj. Demagogic.
DEMAGOGICAL adj. of or like a demagogue, also DEMAGOGIC.
DEMAGOGISMSDEMAGOGISM n. the practices of a demagogue, also DEMAGOGUISM, DEMAGOGY.
DEMAGOGUINGdemagoguing v. Present participle of demagogue.
DEMAGOGUE v. to act in the manner of a demagogue, also DEMAGOG.
DEMAGOGUISMdemagoguism n. Alternative form of demagogism.
DEMAGOGUISM n. being a demagogue, also DEMAGOGISM, DEMAGOGY.
DEMERGERINGdemergering v. Present participle of demerger.
DEMERGER v. to remove a division from a corporation, also DEMERGE.
DIAGRAMMINGdiagramming v. Present participle of diagram.
DIAGRAM v. to illustrate by drawing a plan.
DOGMATISINGdogmatising v. Present participle of dogmatise.
DOGMATISE v. to assert positively, also DOGMATIZE.
DOGMATIZINGdogmatizing v. Present participle of dogmatize.
DOGMATIZE v. to assert positively, also DOGMATISE.
MISDIGHTINGMISDIGHT v. (Spenser) to mismanage or treat badly.
MISHGUGGLEDMISHGUGGLE v. (Scots) to bungle, mar, also MISGUGGLE.
MUDLOGGINGSMUDLOGGING n. looking for oil, gas etc. in traces of mud excavated from a borehole.
MUDSLINGINGmudslinging n. Casting aspersions with intent to discredit.
mudslinging n. An act of making damaging or spiteful remarks with the intent to discredit.
MUDSLINGING n. vilification of character.
PEDAGOGISMSpedagogisms n. Plural of pedagogism.
PEDAGOGISM n. the spirit or system of pedagogues.
PEDAGOGUISMPEDAGOGUISM n. the state of being a pedagogue.
PILGRIMAGEDpilgrimaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pilgrimage.
PILGRIMAGE v. to go on pilgrimage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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