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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing D, I, O, U and X

COADJUTRIXcoadjutrix n. A female coadjutor.
coadjutrix n. An assistant (and eventual successor) to an abbess.
co-adjutrix n. Alternative spelling of coadjutrix.
DEFLUXIONSdefluxions n. Plural of defluxion.
DEFLUXION n. (obsolete) a discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh.
EXPOUNDINGexpounding v. Present participle of expound.
expounding n. The act by which something is expounded.
EXPOUND v. to explain in detail.
EXUDATIONSexudations n. Plural of exudation.
EXUDATION n. the act of exuding.
HYDROXIUMSHYDROXIUM n. a positive ion, H3O+, formed by the attachment of a proton to a water molecule.
INDEXTROUSindextrous adj. Not dextrous; maladroit.
indextrous adj. Not manual.
INDEXTROUS adj. not possessing dexterity.
SULFOXIDESsulfoxides n. Plural of sulfoxide.
SULFOXIDE n. any of a class of carbon compounds featuring sulphur, also SULPHOXIDE.
SULPHOXIDEsulphoxide n. Alternative form of sulfoxide.
SULPHOXIDE n. any compound containing a sulphinyl group and a hydrocarbon radical, also SULFOXIDE.
SUPEROXIDEsuperoxide n. (Chemistry) A peroxide.
superoxide n. (Chemistry) The univalent anion, O2-, obtained from molecular oxygen by adding an electron; any compound…
SUPEROXIDE n. a peroxide, an oxide with the highest proportion of oxygen.
UNOXIDISEDunoxidised adj. Alternative spelling of unoxidized.
UNOXIDISED adj. not oxidised, also UNOXIDIZED.
UNOXIDIZEDunoxidized adj. Not oxidized.
UNOXIDIZED adj. not oxidized, also UNOXIDISED.
UXORICIDALuxoricidal adj. Of or pertaining to uxoricide.
UXORICIDAL adj. of or pertaining to uxoricide.
UXORICIDESuxoricides n. Plural of uxoricide.
UXORICIDE n. the murder of a wife by her husband.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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